Master Prospectors know what they want to be
A Master Prospector knows that if he holds an orange in his hand, and squeezes it, there is only one kind of juice that will come out – orange juice.
We, as network marketers are getting squeezed every day. For example, you offer your gift to one of your prospects. She agreed to take a look. You delivered your finest presentation. You step back and wait for her positive reaction. Instead…
Instead she unleashes her own “negative software” on you and tell you in no uncertain terms that you wasted her time and yours. She might even have been more colorful than that.
Now, how does that make you feel? How do you react to what she said? She just squeezed you.
The question is this: Do these feelings come out of you because of who did the squeezing? Or because of what was inside you to begin with?
Let’s go back once again to the principle of focusing our attention and energy on what we can control and having the wisdom to release what we can’t.
We can’t control, or for that matter stop people and circumstances from squeezing us. We are squeezed by someone or something virtually every day of our lives. We can however, control what’s inside us! And if all we want in our lives is positive and abundant thinking, peace, harmony, compassion and love, then no matter who squeezed us for whatever reason, all we ever allow to come outside of us are those positive qualities. Because that’s all we want to have inside us.
Remember, every time we use words or actions to define someone else, all we are really doing is defining ourselves.
Master Prospectors learn to pause before they squirt. They learn to pause even for a fraction of a second before they react. That way they give themselves an opportunity to think and choose what it is they want to come out.
So, the next time some uneducated, negative prospect squeezes you, pause – so you can think and choose. Since life is all about making choices, you can either:
1. Squirt them with doubt, anger and discouragement and leave them with an indelible stain, or
2. Spray them with a gentle, cooling mist of compassion, understanding and respect
The choice is yours. What you have inside is yours, too. And everyday it’s there for the world to see and for you to live with.
So how do you do it, because let’s be honest, it’s easier said then done!
It’s all B.S.
Each of us has a set of beliefs about who we are and what we can or cannot accomplish in life. It’s called our Belief System. I (John) call it B.S. – not because it isn’t powerful or real, but because most of us are victims of our belief system and not Masters of it.
Do you know what a belief really is?
It’s a habit we have – a habit of thought.
And like many of our other habits of thought, it was given to us freely and for free. Remember Secret #15: Master Prospectors know something for nothing is usually good for nothing?
Let me explain.
The beliefs we have about what we can or cannot accomplish in life began to be formed way back when you and I were kids. We learned early on that there were limits to what we could do, have and be.
What’s important to realize is that our beliefs started as something for nothing. We did not ask for them or pay for them, and we actually did very little to consciously select or choose them.
We just got the input. Mostly from authority figures like parents, relatives, teachers – and we got it frequently and loudly…until we took it to heart and soon it became a habit of thought.
Here’s an example. Complete this sentence:
Money does not grow on …..
To be successful you have to study hard in school so that you can get into …..and thereafter find a good ….
You see, a habit is something we do without thinking. It’s programmed in. All we do is react the way we were programmed. So when we are squeezed by one of life’s encounters that doesn’t go the way we want, our true beliefs about ourselves are revealed.
What do you belief about yourself?
Do you belief you can be a master prospector?
I’ll tell you this right now. If you don’t believe that you can be a master prospector, there is absolutely no way that you can be one. And that my friends, is the truth.
So, before you give up on yourself, do this to change your current belief system:
1. Create on paper the attributes of a Master Prospector. Go through the past secrets and your Action Steps, as a lot of the attributes are in there. Now make the Master Prospector your age and sex. Don’t worry, it’s not you. Just describe this Ideal Master Prospector in minute detail. Write about all the things he or she would do, think and say. What kind of “juice” would come out of them when they are squeezed?
2. Now go over this Ideal Master Prospector profile one more time and fill in even more detail. Make it more vivid and alive. This time, add your name and face to the description throughout. I don’t care whether you believe this picture or not. Just do it.
Now, if this is the very first time you have done something like this, you would probably feel a bit silly. Don’t. Congratulate yourself. You just took the first step to creating a new habit. You might think, “that’s not me. It’s a lie.”
Understand this: You also created the idea that this isn’t you.
You now created both. The current habit (thought) that says, this isn’t you, and the one you just created saying this is you!
Either picture – you created it.
It matters not which of these pictures are true. In fact, the one you belief to be the truth, will be the one you chose to believe.
You created both of them in your mind. And since you are the creator, you have the right to choose which one to keep and which one to throw out. So why not keep the one that empowers you and throw out the one that is holding you back?
How do you do it?
You take this Ideal Master Prospector Description of yourself and you type it out.
Then you put it up on 3 – 5 different places in the house. Behind the toilet door, on the fridge, next to your bed.
Next you read it out loud 21 times per day. Read it first thing in the morning when you wake up and read it last thing at night before you go to sleep. Keep this up every day.
You see: The mind is quantitative, not qualitative. That is, it does not recognize the difference between the input you give it from the page you just wrote or the dysfunctional thoughts you already have. Your mind does not distinguish which one is real or true. It will believe the one you choose to believe. It just keep stacking these thoughts up and it will believe the one which stack is the highest.
So, by repeating this process 21 times daily, you are simply just stacking the odds in your favor.
This process, so by the way, works for changing any bad habits you might have and replacing it with good one.
Action Steps:
1. When someone or something squeezed me, what do I want to come outside? What am I committed to being?
2. When I do get squeezed, what two things must I discipline myself to do before I impulsively squirt?
3. I agree to complete the exercise to create the Ideal Master Prospector in this secret. I know that for me to be a Master Prospector, I must first believe that I am one.
17 Secrets of the Master Prospectors Series
- Book Review: 17 Secrets of the Master Prospectors by John Kalench
- Master Prospector Secret #1: Master Prospectors don’t sit on their assets
- Master Prospector Secret #2: Master Prospectors are consistently consistent
- Master Prospector Secret #3: Master Prospectors know what their job is
- Master Prospector Secret #4: Master Prospectors know what to marry
- Master Prospector Secret #5: Master Prospectors have a magical genie
- Master Prospector Secret #6: Master Prospectors love to build bridges
- Master Prospector Secret #7: Master Prospectors use more than a pick and shovel
- Master Prospector Secret #8: Master Prospectors value time more than money
- Master Prospector Secret #9: Master Prospectors know that every business needs an S.O.B
- Master Prospector Secret #10: Master Prospectors don’t like to cut down trees
- Master Prospector Secret #11: Master Prospectors have 250 pound friends
- Master Prospector Secret #12: Master Prospectors live in the future ~ today!
- Master Prospector Secret #13: Master Prospectors know how to hit their advertising targets
- Master Prospector Secret #14: Master Prospectors know what and how to ask
- Master Prospector Secret #15: Master Prospectors know that something for nothing is usually good for nothing
- Master Prospector Secret #16: Master Prospectors study and model the Masters
- Master Prospector Secret #17: Master Prospectors know what they want inside their oranges
Master Prospectors study and model the Masters
Tags: herbalife training, join herbalife online, know what they want, mlm training, network marketing training
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