It is amazing how many people in Network Marketing have phones that weighs 250 pounds! 🙂 The Master Prospectors know that communication is key, the ability to relay your message, to deliver your gift, to extend your invitation to have a look at your presentation. Telephone skills are key.
It’s all about Telephone skills
The phone is a key tool in the Master Prospectors’ Toolbox. Now let’s say your phone weighed 250 pounds and you are not strong enough to lift it up, how can you get strong enough?
Practice. Practice. Practice. Your telephone skills will only improve if you practice them.
The more you force yourself to lift a heavy object….repetition, repetition, repetition the stronger you are going to become and the easier it is going to become to pick up that phone. It’s the same with your telephone skills.
John’s message in this, the 11th Secret of the 17 Secrets of Master Prospectors is this: Get comfortable on the phone. Learn the phone skills required to call people to invite them to take a look, to follow up with them, to build rapport with them etc.
John’s tips to make your phone a 250 pound friend
- Make your home office work space comfortable – it must be nice for you to be there.
- Make your phone look attractive – get one that you like (within budget)
- Put a smiley face on your phone to remind you to keep smiling
- Put a mirror in front of you when you make your calls so that you can see yourself to make sure you reflect a positive mental attitude. It will surely carry through your voice.
- Get organised – some people still use a calendar style card file box with the essential information of every prospect on each card. Each day you just open your box at that day’s date, pull out the cards, and make your phone calls.
- Make sure you are uninterrupted when you make your phone calls. This means d-activate call waiting on your phone. Close your office door. Have a different dedicated incoming phone line and put an answering machine on it for when you are busy with your out-calls.
- Use a 3 minute egg timer to make sure you do not talk to long. Learn to communicate more effectively. Write scripts or conversation pointers down to keep you focused on what you want to communicate.
These are but a few simple tips. I’m sure you can think of more.
In spite of all the technological advancements we had the last 20 years, the telephone is still number one.
In Network Marketing, face-to-face conversations are still the most effective. The new tools like Skype, Face-time, Video Calling etc, is a marvelous way to step up your communication.
If you use video calling in some or other form, make sure you are presentable. In other words, dress the same way you would if you were going to see your prospect one-on-one. Keep that mirror and the smiley faces close by. 🙂
Your telephone skills will be invaluable for your video-calling and will be the base of your video calling skills. You therefore have to start improving your telephone skills.
Action Steps:
- How can I improve my telephone skills?
- What systems can I put in place to help me be more organised in my communication?
17 Secrets of the Master Prospectors Series
- Book Review: 17 Secrets of the Master Prospectors by John Kalench
- Master Prospector Secret #1: Master Prospectors don’t sit on their assets
- Master Prospector Secret #2: Master Prospectors are consistently consistent
- Master Prospector Secret #3: Master Prospectors know what their job is
- Master Prospector Secret #4: Master Prospectors know what to marry
- Master Prospector Secret #5: Master Prospectors have a magical genie
- Master Prospector Secret #6: Master Prospectors love to build bridges
- Master Prospector Secret #7: Master Prospectors use more than a pick and shovel
- Master Prospector Secret #8: Master Prospectors value time more than money
- Master Prospector Secret #9: Master Prospectors know that every business needs an S.O.B
- Master Prospector Secret #10: Master Prospectors don’t like to cut down trees
- Master Prospector Secret #11: Master Prospectors have 250 pound friends
Tags: 250 pound friends, mlm training, network marketing training, telephone skills
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