We live in a world that is obsessed with “free”. Join here, it’s free. Take this, it’s free. Try this, it’s free! Master prospectors know that something for nothing is usually worth nothing.
My mother used to say, “nothing in life is free, there is always a cost.” It’s either upfront or it is hidden. But it’s there!
In this chapter of the 17 Secrets of the Master Prospectors, John Kalench highlights the fact that the world is filled with free opinions.
No matter where you go, or in what circumstances you find yourself, you will always find people around you offering you their free opinions. But is it really free? Here’s how John sees it:
Garbage In, Garbage Out
We all have our opinions and we all love to share them. Although some are positive and supportive, most people’s opinions are negative and destructive.
To me, this “input” of other people’s opinions (either positive or negative) is much like programming a computer. And I’m sure you have heard the saying, “garbage in, garbage out.”
Imagine if you will, that our brains are like the “hardware” of a computer. We all have virtually the same brain (computer). What makes people think and function differently is their “software”. The software we choose for our computer (which determines how positively or negatively our brain operates) is made up of all of the opinions that we buy into.
If we buy into negative (recession and hard time) software, then that’s how we think and live – and we walk around feeling sorry for ourselves. If we invest in positive (new opportunities through change) and supportive software, then we perceive things in a positive light. We act accordingly and create success in our lives.
In my opinion, all the negative software that people buy into – the cascade of unsupportive opinions that we hear from others – is dysfunctional software. It’s garbage. It doesn’t serve us, so it doesn’t work!
So, why do you think so many people buy this dysfunctional software for their computers?
Because it’s free! A perfect example of how something for nothing is good for nothing.
It doesn’t cost anything to get this dysfunctional software-and it’s all around us. Turn on the TV – you’ll see and hear dysfunctional software that doesn’t support your success. Pick up the newspaper and you’ll read some more dysfunctional software.
And if by chance you’re not getting enough of it, have a chat with your neighbors. More than likely, they’ll be happy to give you some of their dysfunctional software – at no charge!
On the other hand, the good software – that which is positive and supports our success-takes more effort to get. Not surprisingly, it also comes with a price tag!
Not only do you need to hunt for this good software, you have to pay for it with your money and your time. That’s why most people don’t have good “mental software” – they’re not willing to pay for it. They would just as soon settle on something for nothing.
Now some people might argue, “Well, if something doesn’t cost anything, how could it not be worth it? No harm done in getting it, right?”
Well, how would you feel about using a software program that was given to you free, but you later found out that it had an outrageous cost that was hidden from you at first (could even be riddled with viruses!!!) – and you’d been paying for it all along? Would you still want that “free” software program? Not likely.
You see, when it comes to software programs for your mental computer, there are two types of costs:
1. Out-of-pocket costs
2. Out-of-potential costs
With out-of-pocket costs you know up front what you are getting and how much you are paying. You can therefore evaluate whether you are getting value for money.
With out-of-potential costs, the costs are hidden, because they appear free, but when you eventually discover the costs they are outrageously outrageous!
The masters of network marketing avoid software that carries out-of-potential costs. They’d rather pay now – out of their pocket.
Why? Because they know that their potential worth is far greater than their present worth.
Master prospectors understands that out-of-potential (dysfunctional) software robs them of their future. And there is nothing that’s worth the cost of your tomorrow, no matter how easy and free it is to get today.
Master prospectors invest in themselves
Master prospectors invest in their people.
Master prospectors are constantly looking to “upgrade” their software. They take control over, and full responsibility for the programming of their mind. They know that “as a man think, so he becomes.”
Action Steps:
1. What out-of-potential costs and dysfunctional software have I been buying into? Which negative people and what unsupportive environments have I been allowing to rob me of my future?
2. What corrective measures can I take to avoid any future out-of-potential costs?
3. What amount of out-of-pocket investment am I willing to make each month for the next three months that will empower my belief system in myself and my future?
4. What are the best ways I can invest these amounts? List approximate cost of each investment.
17 Secrets of the Master Prospectors Series
- Book Review: 17 Secrets of the Master Prospectors by John Kalench
- Master Prospector Secret #1: Master Prospectors don’t sit on their assets
- Master Prospector Secret #2: Master Prospectors are consistently consistent
- Master Prospector Secret #3: Master Prospectors know what their job is
- Master Prospector Secret #4: Master Prospectors know what to marry
- Master Prospector Secret #5: Master Prospectors have a magical genie
- Master Prospector Secret #6: Master Prospectors love to build bridges
- Master Prospector Secret #7: Master Prospectors use more than a pick and shovel
- Master Prospector Secret #8: Master Prospectors value time more than money
- Master Prospector Secret #9: Master Prospectors know that every business needs an S.O.B
- Master Prospector Secret #10: Master Prospectors don’t like to cut down trees
- Master Prospector Secret #11: Master Prospectors have 250 pound friends
- Master Prospector Secret #12: Master Prospectors live in the future ~ today!
- Master Prospector Secret #13: Master Prospectors know how to hit their advertising targets
- Master Prospector Secret #14: Master Prospectors know what and how to ask
- Master Prospector Secret #15: Master Prospectors know that something for nothing is usually good for nothing.
Master Prospectors know that something for nothing is usually good for nothing
Tags: beware the free, mlm training, network marketing training, nothing is free, price to pay, something for nothing
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