Master Prospectors love to play the game
Well my friend, the fact that you came this far, shows that you are a serious student. All that remains now, is for you to: Learn to love to play the game like the Master Prospectors do.
You see, the game of Network Marketing is like any other game:
There are spectators, players, rules, winners, losers, run-of-the-mill performers and superstars.
Given that, what role do you choose to play?
In the game of Network Marketing, Master Prospectors are the superstars. They’re the ones the people pay to see. They are the ones the team counts on to pull them through. They are the team captains and they always bring out the best in their teammates.
We are paid what we are worth
Some people complain about the obscene amounts of money that some of the superstars are getting paid. Take Beckham, or Messi or Ronaldo, all three are superstar soccer players. They get paid obscene amounts of money. Why?
1. They believe that are worth it.
2. Someone else believe they are worth it too! The persons paying them!
My point is this: If you would like to earn an “outrageous income” like the Master Prospectors of Network Marketing, then keep doing everything you can to build your image of yourself.
Why? Because the market place will pay you anything you truly believe you’re worth! And it will continue to pay you that for as long as you deliver equal or greater value in return – no matter how “outrageous” your income appear to others!
We do not live in a world that limits the number of people who can earn outrageous incomes. There is no scarcity of abundance. There is only a scarcity of abundant thinking and teaching.
Master the Game
To master the game; you first have to love the game. Master Prospectors don’t spend all their time seeking that one-in-a-million superstar. They don’t run one big expensive ad and hope someone who calls will earn them a million. They take those simple, solid steps they have mastered and do them over and over again. They do the basics every day and they are rewarded by the awesome power of duplication.
The Master Prospecting Game is the greatest game of all in Network Marketing. Once you know the secrets, and by now you have been exposed to 18 of them, it’s simply a question of practice until you have mastered them.
Action Steps:
1. Which secrets am I most attracted to and want to act on first and foremost? (Number them in their order of importance to you.
2. What business-building activities that I do now generate positive and predictable results when I do them?
3. Which of the activities listed in 2 above, can I do bigger, better and faster to accelerate my results? And how will I accomplish that?
17 Secrets of the Master Prospectors Series
- Book Review: 17 Secrets of the Master Prospectors by John Kalench
- Master Prospector Secret #1: Master Prospectors don’t sit on their assets
- Master Prospector Secret #2: Master Prospectors are consistently consistent
- Master Prospector Secret #3: Master Prospectors know what their job is
- Master Prospector Secret #4: Master Prospectors know what to marry
- Master Prospector Secret #5: Master Prospectors have a magical genie
- Master Prospector Secret #6: Master Prospectors love to build bridges
- Master Prospector Secret #7: Master Prospectors use more than a pick and shovel
- Master Prospector Secret #8: Master Prospectors value time more than money
- Master Prospector Secret #9: Master Prospectors know that every business needs an S.O.B
- Master Prospector Secret #10: Master Prospectors don’t like to cut down trees
- Master Prospector Secret #11: Master Prospectors have 250 pound friends
- Master Prospector Secret #12: Master Prospectors live in the future ~ today!
- Master Prospector Secret #13: Master Prospectors know how to hit their advertising targets
- Master Prospector Secret #14: Master Prospectors know what and how to ask
- Master Prospector Secret #15: Master Prospectors know that something for nothing is usually good for nothing
- Master Prospector Secret #16: Master Prospectors study and model the Masters
- Master Prospector Secret #17: Master Prospectors know what they want inside their oranges
- Master Prospector Bonus Secret: Master Prospectors love to play the game
Master Prospectors love to play the game
Tags: love to play the game, mlm recruiting, mlm training, network marketing prospecting, network marketing training, sponsoring in mlm
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