Business needs are the things that help your business to survive and to thrive.
In this chapter of the 17 Secrets of Master Prospectors, John Kalench teaches the importance for every business to have an S.O.B. ~ A Statement of Benefits. This is one of the more crucial business needs. Without it, your business is in trouble.
Why is an S.O.B one of your crucial business needs?
Your customers are not interested in the features of the products or service. They are interested in the benefits it holds for them.
How you communicate the benefits to people can mean the difference between success or failure in your business.
Master Prospectors focus on the benefits of their products or services, not the features.
When Master Prospectors communicate, it’s all about benefits.
The reason you build rapport and learn about what people need and want is so you can tailor your benefits specically for them. Simply put, people want to know what is in it for them. That means benefits.
Do you know how many 1/2 inch drill bits are sold every year? Millions. And sales continue to grow every year. And do you know how many of those customers wanted a 1/2 inch drill bit? ZERO! They all wanted 1/2 inch holes!
It is the same with network marketing products or opportunities.
Every network marketing business needs to have a Statement of Benefits. You should know these benefits by heart.
People don’t want to take vitamins – they want to feel vital, healthy and alive!
People don’t want to smear skin-care products on their faces – they want to look ten years younger!
People don’t want a business opportunity – they want more control of their life and work. They want to invest more time with their families. They want the freedom to travel and be adventurous. People wnat to have more fun!
People don’t want more money – they want the benefits that come from having more money. They want what money will buy them. A house, a car, free time, security, retirement, payment for college….
Put an S.O.B. List at the top of your business needs
So, if you have not done so yet, make a list of all the benefits that you offer your clients. Put all your other business needs aside, and first focus on developing your S.O.B.
What is it you sell? Is it a product, is it a service or is it both? Now ask yourself what are the benefits that people experience when they buy my product or service?
Write those benefits down. Write something like, Customers that buy my products and services receives the following benefits for doing so…and continue to list the benefits.
Business needs are none more crucial than knowing what problems your products or service solve.
Remember your photo business card? Does it tell people what products or services you offer, or does it tell them what benefits you sell?
Focus on the benefits.
Every business owner needs to have a “hook”
When people ask you what you do for a living, what do you say?
Do you say, “I’m a realtor.” or “I’m a lawyer.” or “I’m a doctor.” or “I’m a network marketer.” or “I’m a salesmen.” or ….?
That’s boring and people will immediately put you into a box. Instead, why not offer them a hook? Something interesting that will hook them and make them curious to know more… to find out more about what it is you do?
Instead of saying, “I’m a doctor.” you could say, “I help sick people feel better again.”
Instead of saying, “I’m a lawyer.” you could say, “I get people out of trouble.”
Instead of saying, “I’m a network marketer.” you could say, “I free people from their jobs.” or “I sell financial freedom” or “I sell time freedom” or “I shuck oysters for pearls” or ….
You get the point. Don’t think of your or your business needs, think of the needs of your customers.
What problems do they have that needs to be solved? Do your products or services solve those problems? If so, how? That is the benefits you should focus on in your communication.
If you are in the health and fitness industry, you could say, “I sell beach bodies all year long.” or “I help people to add at least 10 more years to their lives” or “I help people to bring their sexy back”….the options are endless.
Every business needs an S.O.B. What is yours?
Action steps for Secret #9, Master Prospectors know every business needs an S.O.B:
1. What S.O.B (Statement of Benefits) will you communicate to your prospects?
2. What “hook” will you use to hook them into wanting to know more about your business.
17 Secrets of the Master Prospectors Series
- Book Review: 17 Secrets of the Master Prospectors by John Kalench
- Master Prospector Secret #1: Master Prospectors don’t sit on their assets
- Master Prospector Secret #2: Master Prospectors are consistently consistent
- Master Prospector Secret #3: Master Prospectors know what their job is
- Master Prospector Secret #4: Master Prospectors know what to marry
- Master Prospector Secret #5: Master Prospectors have a magical genie
- Master Prospector Secret #6: Master Prospectors love to build bridges
- Master Prospector Secret #7: Master Prospectors use more than a pick and shovel
- Master Prospector Secret #8: Master Prospectors value time more than money
- Master Prospector Secret #9: Master Prospectors know that every business needs an S.O.B
Tags: business needs, mlm training, network marketing training, sell benefits, statement of benefits, talk about benefits
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