This, the 10th Secret of the 17 Secrets of Master Prospectors, is very simple. The reason why master prospectors don’t like to cut down trees, is because they know that if you do, you might kill your prospects!
What do I mean?
Do not overload your prospect with information. Especially these days with email and Internet, the temptation is to just let it rip and dump all the information you can get your hands on and deposit it in your prospect’s inbox.
They show a little interest, and you bury them under the information. Not cool man. Not cool. not effective at all!
Master Prospectors know that you can only assimilate bite sizes of information at a time. If you are going to stuff it all down your prospects throat in one go, they are going to choke and die!
How do you manage your information?
You plan.
Sift through all the information you have and put together a drip-feed of the critical information. Do this right, and you will earn big.
The more Master Prospectors know, the less they say. If you say less, people will want to know more. If you talk their ears off, they can’t wait to leave your presence.
- You stuff their email boxes with information…
- You spam their Facebook or social media walls….
- You stuff your brochures into their mailbox until it over-flows….
Chances are they will read nothing off it. It’s too overwhelming. Even those with the best of intentions will not get around to read it.
I’ve got a wonderful upline. I love him to bits. I really do. He is the one who gets all the hottest new information to me and for that I am extremely grateful. Unfortunately he likes to cut down trees. Fortunately for me, I’ve learned to prioritize and save his information to a special folder, so that I can go through the material when I have time set aside to do it. Otherwise, it will be lost.
What do you do if someone spams your email with long emails, or send your 8 videos to watch? Most people just think: Not now, I’ve got this other thing I’ve got to finish first. I’ll get back to it later….4 months down the line and he has forgotten about it.
Master prospectors know that education is the key. You have to educate your prospects about network marketing, about your company, about your products and about your compensation plan.
Master prospectors also know that you cannot do so in one go. You have to chunk it down in consumable pieces.
Don’t kill your prospects by cutting down trees. Keep them alive and well by exposing them to small chunks of interesting and relevant information at a time. They must hunger for more.
Action Steps:
What is the most critical information I need to give my prospects?
How can I chunk it down so that they will remain hungry for more?
What is the most critical training I need to give my new recruits?
How can I chunk it down so that they will remain hungry for more and keep growing?
17 Secrets of the Master Prospectors Series
- Book Review: 17 Secrets of the Master Prospectors by John Kalench
- Master Prospector Secret #1: Master Prospectors don’t sit on their assets
- Master Prospector Secret #2: Master Prospectors are consistently consistent
- Master Prospector Secret #3: Master Prospectors know what their job is
- Master Prospector Secret #4: Master Prospectors know what to marry
- Master Prospector Secret #5: Master Prospectors have a magical genie
- Master Prospector Secret #6: Master Prospectors love to build bridges
- Master Prospector Secret #7: Master Prospectors use more than a pick and shovel
- Master Prospector Secret #8: Master Prospectors value time more than money
- Master Prospector Secret #9: Master Prospectors know that every business needs an S.O.B
- Master Prospector Secret #10: Master Prospectors don’t like to cut down trees
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