Do you feel like quitting?
Have you ever felt like quitting? If not, you are probably not doing anything where it is possible to quit. This feeling is quite natural. We experience it because we are human. So what to do when you feel like quitting?
Here’s a short 6 minute video by Eric Worre, speaking about this exact thing:
It’s better to do something and be faced with the decision to quit or not, than it is to do nothing.
“If you are looking for a reason to quit, you will always find one. But, if your dream is strong enough, there will always be a reason to stay.” ~ Eric Worre
Well, I hope you found some inspiration in Eric’s words. Whenever I think about people quitting, especially a network marketing business which can yield huge passive income profits, I think of this picture:
There are loads of stories of people who felt like quitting and when they do, someone else steps in and reap the rewards they would have reaped….had they just hung in there and kept going.
So, when you feel like quitting, think about all the good reasons why you started in the first place. Let that inspire you and re-ignite the flame inside you. Your success might be much closer than you think.
~ To your happiness, health, and prosperity!
Will Kilian
Tags: don't give up, don't quit, feel like quitting, giving up, keep going
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