Super Healthy Kids for Super Healthy Families

super healthy kids and super healthy families
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All parents want to have super healthy kids. Even before birth, we pray for our kids to be 100% healthy at birth. For most of us, that prayer is granted. But to keep our super healthy kids, we as parents have to be in on the deal and consciously work at creating super healthy families.

We don’t live in a bubble…we live in the real world.

Super healthy kids and super healthy families?

Impossible you say. Just look at the facts:

  • Childhood obesity has more than doubled in children and tripled in adolescents in the past 30 years.
  • The percentage of children aged 6–11 years in the United States who were obese increased from 7% in 1980 to nearly 18% in 2010. Similarly, the percentage of adolescents aged 12–19 years who were obese increased from 5% to 18% over the same period.
  • In 2010, more than one third of children and adolescents were overweight or obese.
  • Overweight is defined as having excess body weight for a particular height from fat, muscle, bone, water, or a combination of these factors. Obesity is defined as having excess body fat.
  • Overweight and obesity are the result of “caloric imbalance”—too few calories expended for the amount of calories consumed—and are affected by various genetic, behavioral, and environmental factors.
super healthy kids not obese

Shocking stats!

These facts curtsy of Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Shocking, I agree.

But look at what they found the cause to be: “overweight and obesity are the result of ‘calorie imbalance”. What does that mean?

Well, in it’s simplistic form it means we consume (eat and drink) more calories than our bodies can burn, and as a result, the unburned calories are stored as fat.

Our modern day busy lifestyles also do not help. There is barely time for a proper breakfast. A lot of families just grab something quick like a coffee and toast. Some do not even eat. Some parents give their kids a cereal or something (loaded with sugar) but don’t eat any themselves.

More shocking – some parents give their kids a few dollars and tell them to buy something on the way to school. Where do these kids stop before school? You guessed it….fast food outlets!

Our super healthy kids makes it easier for us to strive to be a super healthy family

I am going to share with you our recipe for super healthy kids…super healthy kids meal plans…super healthy kids snacks…

super healthy kidsBut first I want to share a story with you. Like all other parents, we wanted to have the best for our kids. We wanted them to be as healthy as they can be. We wanted to feed them the best.

We refused to accepts the above statistics as an inevitable unavoidable consequence for our kids and our families. We took a resolution, a firm decision, that we are going to do everything in our power, to be a super healthy family…to have super healthy kids.

Now as you know, raising kids is a very sensitive issue….all parents have their own ideas and you cannot tell anyone what they are doing is wrong…because you might not have all the facts…

So my wife and I went out to research as best we can.

We realised that the first step to have super healthy kids is to make sure they get super healthy nutrition in their bodies. So what is the best super healthy nutrition for a new born baby? Our research showed that it is breast milk. Now I don’t want you to feel bad if you did not want to breast feed your baby or used formula milk as soon as possible. This is just our research and what we did.

However, we also realised that what mommy was eating and drinking, had a direct impact on the quality of nutrition that was coming through in the breast milk….we realised we as parents need to eat and drink the best possible quality nutrition to start with…that is the only way that our kids would get the best.

super healthy kidsTo our shocking amazement we realised that as a result of various factors, like cold storage of fresh foods, using of pesticides and fertilisers when the food are grown and the use of chemicals to preserve the fresh fruits and vegetables much longer….the so called “fresh produce” we thought contained the nutrition we need, was seriously lacking….

…we realised there was only one thing to do…find the best supplement out there and SUPPLEMENT.


Supplements the key to have super healthy kids and super healthy families

Now I am sure you can appreciate that the supplement market is an overwhelming…daunting arena…especially if you do not have a clue about kids nutrition, or adult nutrition or ….and this is crucial…the process of nutrition in the human body.

Luckily we had 2 great things going for us. One, my wife is a medical practitioner. And two, as a lawyer I questioned everything.

If company A tells me they have the best…I want to know why? I came up with all these questions and used my wife’s medical knowledge to guide me in asking more relevant questions.

To have super healthy kids, you must have the right knowledge

Having the right knowledge, simply means you know WHAT to do. You do not necessarily know HOW to do it, but you do know what needs to be done.

Most parents know more or less what to do. But they just feel so helpless with modern day living stacked against them. I only truly understood WHAT to do, when I understood the whole process of feeding your body cells – cellular nutrition.

Super healthy kids and families need cellular nutrition

Don’t be scared or intimidated by the term “cellular nutrition”. Let me explain in simple terms:

Our bodies contains of billions of body cells…we all know that. They are living organisms. They combine together to form our bodies. The need to be fed daily. They need to be healthy. They have certain nutritional requirements.

A healthy body cell, leads to a healthy body.

super healthy kids have super healthy cells

Now, how do you get the nutrition to the cells? It’s a 4 step process:

Ingestion – you have to put it into your mouth and swallow it. What you swallow must contain what your body cells need. But this is not where it stops. A lot of nutrition supplements try to fool you. They say, look at the label…everything your body needs is in our products. That might be so, but what about the rest of the cellular nutritional process?

Digestion – what we eat must be in a digestible form. If it is not, it will simply run through the digestive system without being of any use whatsoever, and end up in the sewerage systems. (You won’t believe the amount of over the counter supplements that fall down at this hurdle. It is unbelievable. But they are not required to disclose this information on the labels of the product…hence they dont!)

Absorption – After the food is digested and broken down, the nutrients must be able to be absorbed into the bloodstream. There are various factors that influence the absorption ability of your digestive track. Most of our digestive tracks are so “clogged up” by rubbish, that the absorption ability of the villi is seriously inhibited. Think of it like a “clogged up drain pipe”. All the grease and grime is getting stuck in the villi, which are “finger-like” and which have the main function of absorbing the nutrients into the bloodstream.

Assimilation – For optimal cellular assimilation of the nutrients, the nutrients must be in perfect balance to one another. If you have too much of the one, or too little of the other, your body cells will not be able to assimilate the nutrients from the bloodstream.


Do you want super healthy kids and super healthy families?

super healthy kidsThen you damn well have to ensure that what you feed your kids for breakfast, in their school lunch boxes and for dinner, not only contain all the nutrients that their body cells need, but also that it is highly digestible  absorbable and in perfect balance with one another in order to assimilated at cellular level.

Impossible you say. No. You just have to find the right supplements. What do you look for? RESULTS.

Forget about the label on the product. What the label is good for, is to look out for “side effects”. Labeling laws requires that all possible side-effects must be listed either on the label or the product pamphlet that goes with it. Read that.


Back to our super healthy kids story…

super healthy kids with cellular nutritionSo we found an international company, who could show us the results on their products. The results blew us away. They ticked all the boxes.

They have all the scientific research to back them up…the best experts in the field of health and nutrition work for them. Even nobel prize winners!

And we decided to feed our babies, on top of the breast milk, these nutritional protein supplements. What do you think our friends and family thought of our decision. Our kids (babies) at age 4 weeks and 6 weeks got introduced to small quantities of Herbalife shakes!

Guess what? We ignored all their negative comments. We did our research. We knew this is what our kids needed.

Some of them said:

My kids don’t like the taste.

I don’t like the taste.

Bla bla bla

We just shook our heads and thought:

You are the parents. If you know this IS what your kids need to be super healthy kids, are you really going to listen to your kids’ “likes” and “dislikes”?


super healthy kids super healthy familiesIf your child is sick and you take them to the doctor and the doctor prescribes certain medicine which your child really do not like. What are you going to do? Are you going to say, “oh, no problem, you don’t have to take this nasty medicine.”

No bloody way. If your child is sick…and the medicine is what he needs to get healthy  you will make sure that he ingests it. Come hell or high water, he shall drink his medicine.
super healthy kids super healthy families

Now fortunately for us, the Herbalife shakes come in many different flavours and it really does not matter that much with what you mix it, as long as you ingest it…eat it…drink it…just make sure it gets in your body.

Now, 14 and 12 years later, our kids make us breakfast Herbalife shakes.

Dig this, my daughter even packs a Herbalife shake into her lunch box. We never suggested she do that…she does it because that is what she want to feed her body. We are so proud.
super healthy kids super healthy families

Now I don’t have to tell you we have super healthy kids…that in itself is probably a highly subjective perspective, but we are pretty grateful and thankful to have such healthy kids. I cannot possibly say 100% it is just because they have been using the Herbalife shakes virtually since birth, but all I can tell you is this…compared to their friends who did not have proper cellular nutrition, they stand out and hence I will proudly call them my super healthy kids, now helping us to be part of the super healthy families.


Hectic Lifestyle is no more an excuse or a problem

super healthy kids need responsible parentsThat’s right. Because a Herbalife shake is so quick and easy to make, there is no excuse not to serve your children and your family the best, most healthy breakfast in the world.

Making a Herbalife shake and put it into your kids lunch box, is quicker than making a sandwich.

If your kids have one to two Herbalife shakes per day, you are absolutely on your way to have SUPER HEALTHY KIDS. If your whole family use the Herbalife shakes twice a day, you are definitely on your way to join the ranks of Super Healthy Families.

super healthy kids and super healthy families start hereBut it takes courage to “guide” your family and your kids to become more healthy. You cannot have double standards. You cannot tell them to do what you are not willing to do. You need to take responsibility.

If you do,  the obesity statistics, those so called facts I shared with you in the beginning, will not be of concern for you. Why? Because you and your family will be the exception. You will have super healthy kids and super healthy families.

Our family are using the Herbalife nutritional supplements since March 1996. This was the single best decision that my wife and I made for ourselves and our family. The decision to do everything we can…to control what is in our ability to do…not to make excuses…but to take responsibility.

super healthy kidsI call upon you right now, to take responsibility for the health of your kids and your family.

Take action now to have super healthy kids. Take the first step, click HERE. I will show you our results and I will show you exactly how your family can become part of the super healthy families at a fraction of the cost.


super healthy kids

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12 years ago

It is so sad when you deal with children who are always hungry. Not because breakfast was 3 hours ago, but because breakfast is something they get at school. One sandwich each, with peanut butter, if they are lucky. But what is more heartbreaking, is that there are more parents out there who can afford the best breakfast for their children and they have no time to really care. Thank you, Will and Sune, for this very informative article.

12 years ago

Following your example, because of your results and that of a couple million people all over the world, we decided to have super healthy kids and be a super healthy family. We’ve been using Herbalife for more than 10 years and know we are doing the best for our family. Thanks for reminding us that we are on the right track, interestingly it is the one less travelled …….


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