A lesson in persistence. There are over 7 billion people walking the earth right now. Most of those strive to better themselves on a daily basis. The personal development industry has never been more prominent than today.
However, if you look closely, you will see that one of the earliest and best proponents of personal development, was Jesus himself. One of the best lessons, if not the best lesson in persistence, is found in the Bible.
Jesus’s lesson in persistence
Now, you don’t have to be a Christian to be a believer in God, the Bible and the fact that Jesus walked the earth and that his words were recorded in the books of history, of which the Bible is one.
In Matthew 7: 7 Jesus said:
“Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.” ~ New King James Version
“Keep on asking and it will be given you; keep on seeking and you will find; keep on knocking reverently and the door will be opened to you.” ~ Amplified Bible
Persistence is the key to success. You cannot have persistence unless you first possess desire. Desire is simply the emotion of want….desperately wanting something.
If you desperately want something, it will consume your mind. You will see it in your minds eye in a crystal clear, vivid picture. In full color. Better still…the “picture” will be filled with sound. You will be able to “hear” what is said in the picture…you will be able to “smell” the smells of the scene in the picture….you will be able to “feel” the feelings of you in the picture. Get the picture? 🙂
Such a want is called a “burning desire”. To realise that burning desire you need to follow the advice of what some believe to be a great profit, and yet others, like myself, believe to be the very own Son of God. Be that as it may, Jesus’s lesson in persistence is as powerful today, as it was when he first uttered those words:
Keep on asking, and it shall be given you. Keep on seeking and you will find. Keep on knocking reverently and the door will be opened to you.
It is not you who take. You receive. Someone else is giving to you. You only ask.
It is not you who open the door either; someone else opens it for you. You only need to knock.
However, to be able to knock on the right door, you first need to seek, and keep on seeking, and only then you shall find it.
When you do. Knock reverently until it get’s opened.
When it gets opened, you ask, and you keep on asking, until you receive.
Do not stop asking until you have received. If you do, all your hard work in seeking and knocking, will be in vain. 🙂
Now I am going to ask you something (my lesson in persistence)
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Interesting observation about this lesson in persistence:
Did you notice how I changed the order of the 3 actions? I did so deliberately. Perhaps the Author wanted us to first “seek” and then find the true essence…if you are in sales for example, how powerful is this lesson in persistence?
Now I am going to ask you again
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I trust that you enjoyed this lesson in persistence.
Tags: jesus and persistence, jesus teaches persistence, lesson in persistence, persistence lesson, personal development, teaching on persistence
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Wait, read this:
Luke 11:8
“…yet because of his shameless persistence and insistence he will get up and give him as much as he needs.”
I forgot about this one. This is the story where the man went in the middle of the night to knock on his neighbors door to ask for food for his unexpected guests. At first, the neighbor did not want to open his door, but the man kept on knocking, UNTIL the door was opened.
Luke 11:10
“For everyone who asks and keeps on asking receives; and he who seeks and keeps on seeking finds; and to him who knocks and keeps on knocking, the door shall be opened.”
Have a search. Then have a knock. Then Ask. Happy days. 🙂