Eldred Julius Michelle Lyners


We use Herbalife as vehicle to help people become more happy, healthy and prosperous.

NOTE: If you are looking to earn extra income from home or otherwise, the Herbalife business opportunity offers exciting possibilities. We do not prejudge or per-qualify. Everybody gets an equal opportunity, no matter what your educational background or socioeconomic status is. Full hands-on training is provided. As you will see, people from all walks of life succeed with the Herbalife products and business opportunity. This is a legitimate opportunity to earn extra income, or even expand your business to replace your full-time income. Hard work and dedication get rewarded.


Our Products:

  • join herbalife noware natural, safe and effective
  • let’s you look and feel amazing
  • produce results every time it is used as recommended
  • are cellular nutrition at its best
  • comes with a 30-day money back guarantee
  • gives you vitality, energy and a great body!

Compulsory disclaimer: These results are not typical. Individual results will vary.

using the Herbalife products Benefits of Using Our Products:

  • Lose Kilo’s, Pounds and Centimeters!
    Use our products as recommended for weight loss, and you will literally reshape your body week after week until you are in top shape.
  • Our products are 100% Natural and Healthy
    Our products provide your body with all the nutrients it needs in perfect balance ensuring healthy weight loss. No more hunger pangs or cravings.
  • Enjoy miraculous health results
    how to lose weight with herbalifeOur products are just good cellular nutrition and is not medicine. We are not allowed to make any medical claims, and do not do so here. However, it stands to reason that if you feed your body optimum cellular nutrition, giving them everything they need in proper balance and on a daily basis to be as healthy as they can be, your body will do the miracles all by itself.
  • Our Products are Safe and Effective
    Everyone can use our products. Women (even pregnant and breastfeeding), children, the elderly, morbidly obese people, athletes and even undernourished people.
  • Look and Feel Fantastic
  • Screen Shot 2013-06-19 at 8.13.25 PMEnhance your Sports Performance
    More energy, vitality & build healthy muscle tissue
    You will gain energy and vitality when using our products.
  • Enjoy Life More!
    When you use these products as recommended, you will reach a healthy weight, have more energy and vitality and simply enjoy life more!

Compulsory disclaimer: These results are not typical. Individual results will vary.

herbalife shake affordableThe HERO of our cellular nutritional range is the Formula 1 Nutritional Protein Drink (“the Herbalife Shake”).

With this product alone, you will achieve tremendous results! It is the first of the core nutritional products.

Even at retail prices, it is highly affordable! But why buy retail when you can buy wholesale?

Our Business Opportunity:


Join Our Business

If you are ready to join us in our Herbalife business as a distributor or a member, enjoying from 25% to 50% discounts on the products, click on this join now linkhttps://funfamilynutrition.goherbalife.com/Catalog/Home/Index/en-gb.

Buy the Products as a Customer

If however you only want to buy the products to use and just be a customer, you are welcome to browse our online store by clicking on the product image below.

For a limited time, we offer a 15% discount on all product orders. Just use promo code: SHAKENOW

(Click on the above image to go to our online store)

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