All moms know that fast foods are sometimes a God-send. Everybody knows how convenient it is to pop into a McDonalds or just simply “take a drive through” on the way home. Our kids love it and let’s face it, after a long day at work you are not in the mood to cook a meal in front of a hot stove. Jamie Oliver decided to investigate…
Everybody knows that these fast foods are not really very nutritious at all, but that’s not why we buy it. We buy it because it tastes good and it’s quick and convenient. We just assume that the food that these fast food joints sell us, would at least be of decent quality, right? Not so, says world renowned chef Jamie Oliver.
Jamie Oliver takes on McDonalds and won a victory for all of us
Hamburger chef Jamie Oliver has just won a battle against one of the largest fast food chains in the world. After Oliver showed how McDonald’s hamburgers are made, the franchise announced it will change its recipe.
According to Oliver, the fatty parts of beef are “washed” in ammonium hydroxide and used in the filling of the burger. Before this process, according to the presenter, the food is deemed unfit for human consumption.
Besides the low quality of the meat, the ammonium hydroxide is harmful to health. Oliver calls it “the pink slime process.”
“Why would any sensible human being put meat filled with ammonia in the mouths of their children?” asked the chef, who wages a war against the fast food industry.
In one of his initiatives, Oliver demonstrates to children how nuggets are made. After selecting the best parts of the chicken, the remains (fat, skin and internal organs) are processed for these fried foods.
The company, Arcos Dorados, the franchise manager in Latin America, said such a procedure is not practiced in the region. The same applies to the product in Ireland and the UK, where they use meat from local suppliers.
In the United States, Burger King and Taco Bell had already abandoned the use of ammonia in their products. The food industry uses ammonium hydroxide as an anti-microbial agent in meats, which has allowed McDonald’s to use otherwise “inedible meat.”
Even more disturbing is that because ammonium hydroxide is considered part of the “component in a production procedure” by the USDA, consumers may not know when the chemical is in their food.
On the official website of McDonald’s, the company claims that their meat is cheap because, while serving many people every day, they are able to buy from their suppliers at a lower price, and offer the best quality products.
In addition, the franchise denied that the decision to change the recipe is related to Jamie Oliver’s campaign. On the site, McDonald’s has admitted that they have abandoned the beef filler from its burger patties.
Jamie Oliver has declared war on obesity. He is working tirelessly in the US for more than 10 years now to change the eating habits of some of the worlds most unhealthy towns.
This video of Jamie Oliver, shared via TEDTALKS, is an eye opener.
Everybody knows that obesity is killing more people every year, than any other cause of death.
We decided to join Jamie Oliver in his quest to fight obesity.
Healthy eating starts with making better and more healthy decisions about what and how we eat and drink. These are personal decisions that can only be made by us….nobody can decide for us or force us to do something we don’t want to do.
Most people who decided to take responsibility for their own health and wellbeing, choose to supplement their diets. There’s an old saying that if you don’t care for your own body, where are you going to live for the rest of your life?
Lastly I want to leave you with this quote by the late Jim Rohn:
“I will take care of me, for you, if you will please take care of you for me.”
If it is true that good health starts with a decision, then it’s also true that you are the only person who can make that decision….or fail to make it.
My family and I are Jamie Oliver fans – we have decided that we want to be the healthiest we can possibly be and help others too.
That is why we are supplementing our diet with the best cellular nutrition we could find. The Herbalife health and nutritional product range has no equal. We found it to deliver the results we were after.
- I lost 36 kg in 6 months and maintain that weight loss and good health for over 17 years.
- My wife, a medical practitioner, also lost 10kg and maintains her weight and good health for over 17 years now.
- Our two lovely kids are using the Herbalife supplements from shortly after birth.
- We are a typical Herbalife family.
- (Compulsory legal disclaimer: These results are not typical. Individual results will vary.)
We believe in the power of the Herbalife products. Consistent use of the Herbalife products will help your body to be at it’s optimum health levels. The products feed your body cells the nutrition it needs in perfect balance on a daily basis.
Using the products is simple and easy. Even kids find it easy.
Your family’s good health starts with you – Make the decision
We have a passion for families. As a matter of fact, we believe that all families should use the Herbalife products on a daily basis to ensure that everyone in the family get’s the nutrition they need every day to function at an optimum level. Improve your vitality, energy levels, concentration and general health and well being. Use Herbalife. You will feel the difference. The Herbalife Shake is the heart of the nutritional program.
As a family, you will consume a fair bit of Herbalife nutritional supplements per month. We do. Therefore it only makes sense for you to get the products at the highest discount possible. Why buy retail if you can buy wholesale?
You can become a wholesale customer simply by registering as a Herbalife distributor. It entitles you to a minimum of 25% discount and there are no requirements of having to distribute or sell the products. You can simply purchase your and your family’s products at a discount.
Good health starts with a decision – decide to use the best nutritional supplements on the market – decide to use Herbalife for yourself and your family – decide to become a Herbalife distributor today and buy at a discount. As a matter of fact, why not become a Family Customer today. You can read more about how to become a Family Customer here. (Click)
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Get sponsored by International Global Expansion Team Member, Will Kilian. He is a product of the products and leads one of the fastest growing teams in Herbalife.
Sponsor’s message
I am a proud Herbalife distributor, Supervisor and international Global Expansion Team Member. The Herbalife products changed (and saved my life). I lost 36kg in 6 months and kept it off for over 17 years now. All thanks to Mark Huges and this amazing company called Herbalife. (Compulsory legal disclaimer: These results are not typical. Individual results will vary.)
My passion is to help as many families around the world to experience the magical benefits of Herbalife’s cellular nutrition, which is provided in the Herbalife nutrition product line.
We all deserve to be happy, healthy and prosperous. The Herbalife products and business opportunity make it possible for average, normal people like myself to change their lives for the better for ever.
Join my vision. Join the Herbalife vision. Joins us today. Join Herbalife in one of the fastest growing teams. You will be glad you did. 😀
Will Kilian
Global Expansion Team
Herbalife ID: 46-024370
Email: wjkilian@gmail.com
Based in Australia.
Instructions to Join Herbalife now
You can Join Herbalife in a few minutes with 5 easy steps, sign-up using the online application:
- Click on the following link https://us.onlinecontract.myherbalife.com
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Click “Next” and follow the instructions to complete your Herbalife membership application.
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When you register as a Herbalife distributor you get your own business in a box. The IBP, International Business Pack, contains everything you need to get started right away.
Tags: eat healthy, fast foods, herbalife healthy alternative, jamie oiver exposed mcdonalds, jamie oliver, join herbalife, mcdonalds hamburger
Leave A Reply (12 comments so far)
We too!
Yeah, it’s quite scary!
so shocking! This will cause people to think twice before they consume McDonald’s. I love Jamie Oliver’s style of cooking; fast, fresh, healthy and nutritious!
WOW! Awesome post! Thanks for sharing! MY SON AND I ARE NEVER GOING TO EAT MCDONALDS AGAIN!!!!
FreedomLife It’s a pleasure Francois. How is things in beautiful France?
Awesome Post about McDonalds… Thanks for sharing my friend!!!
Seeing the meat goo is all I needed to see in order to stop eating at places like McDonalds. If I’m going to eat out, I eat at higher end establishments.
That’s where Jamie’s quest started…going into schools and see what the kids are fed. He does not blame the lunch ladies, as they are doing the best they can with what they’ve got. Sugar is a big thing in school lunches….everything is filled with sugar. I think the biggest culprits with the “meat products” are the greedy fast food joints.
Wow – what an article! I knew that Taco Bell used meat filler for their beef tacos and McDonalds using filler fro their nuggets, but not their burgers. Now makes me think before going to get a burger from them. I wonder if the same burgers are used in school lunches…
NomadTechBlog Crazy but true! Most people know that to be healthy today, you have to supplement. There is an old saying that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, yet most people do not have the time to eat breakfast. You will find a lot of helpful resources over at http://ezhealthbiz.com. Everybody loves our products because it’s tasty, easy, quick and convenient…and it gives your body all the nutrition it needs. A healthy breakfast is now in everyone’s reach.
haha crazy stuff