What are Herbalife Preferred Members?
The Herbalife preferred member is a new category of member for the United States and India only, as from May 2016. It refers to people who join Herbalife purely as wholesale customers. They are not interested in doing the Herbalife business. As a matter of fact, they are prohibited from on-selling or retailing the Herbalife products, nor are they allowed to sponsor or recruit new members. They are just wholesale customers who buys at a discount from the company. They do however have the right to, in future, upgrade to become a Herbalife distributor (referred to as an associate in India).
When you decide to become a Herbalife member or a Herbalife preferred member (for US and India), you can do so online by going to your country of residence’s myHerbalife website. The easiest way to do this is to go to www.myherbalife.com first. This is the US website. Then, at the top (usually right hand corner drop down list) choose your country of residence. This will take you to the myHerbalife website for your country.
So, when these new members are referred to the myHerbalife website in their country (US or India), their option is to join Herbalife as either a Herbalife preferred member or as a distributor, whereas people from all other Herbalife countries just simply join as a member. In all cases you will still need the name and Herbalife ID number of a sponsor. This person will be your upline Herbalife member whose Herbalife team you will join. To join my personal team, no matter where in the Herbalife world you are, you will need my sponsor details, being: Sponsor’s name: Willem Kilian and Sponsor’s Herbalife ID number: 46024370. If you already have a sponsor, great, use their sponsor details not mine.
If you are in the US or India, this is what your respective options look like after you clicked on “Join Herbalife”:
United States:
If you are in any other country, just go to the above United States myHerbalife website and in the top right hand corner, click on the drop down list to choose your country of residence. If you live in a Herbalife country that allows you to join online, it will appear there.
See also the article: What is the difference between a Herbalife Member and a Herbalife Distributor?
Herbalife preferred members’ volume
The volume points attached to the products that these Herbalife preferred members buy, is referred to as “documented volume points”. The volume points from distributor and associate purchases in these two countries (US and India) is referred to as “undocumented volume”.
How does Herbalife Preferred Members affect your business?
For existing distributors, no matter where in the Herbalife world you are, if you do business in the US or India, having distributors and preferred members in those countries will affect you directly! Pay close attention:
If you are at the Supervisor level or above, you will know that your distributor’s and member’s personal volume count for your personal volume too, and in order to earn your Royalty commissions, you need certain personal volume targets every month.
As from 1 May 2016, the personal volume from Distributors and Associates in the Unites States and India, DO NOT COUNT for you as personal volume in order to qualify for these royalty commissions or any other qualifications. Their volume is labeled as “undocumented volume”. In order to earn your full 5% royalty overides, you need 2500 personal volume, but this may not include undocumented volume. As first upline supervisor, you will still earn the wholesale commission on this volume, but it will not help you to reach your 2500 volume point target for royalty earning purposes.
On the other hand, all the products purchased by Herbalife preferred members in India and the United States, are called “documented volume” and these volume points DO COUNT for you as personal volume that you can use.
So, in short, it is to the upline members’ benefit to have a healthy number of preferred members in his or her team. As a matter of fact in the US and India, it is imperative for all the distributors / associates in those two countries to build their business based on preferred members, and only sponsor new distributors who really wants to do the business. If they just want to join as Herbalife wholesale customers, it’s best to join as a Herbalife preferred member straight away.
The new Herbalife preferred member have the same discount buying privileges, however, as mentioned before, he or she may not resell the products, sponsor new people or do the Herbalife business in any shape or form. If they happen to fall in love with the products and wants to do the business, they can then always upgrade to become a distributor. In the meantime their volume as preferred members will assist their sponsors. In short, Distributors and Associates in the US and India should consider signing up all their customers, as preferred members (wholesale customers).
TIP: To know what percentage of your personal volume includes undocumented volume, you can log onto the United States MyHerbalife website and it will tell you.
When you do, you will see on the home page a wheel that shows you exactly how much personal volume you have, how much of it is documented and how much is undocumented. It even tells you for what percentage of royalty overides your are already qualified.
Illustrative picture:
Why is this important? Because you can sit in Australia, and log onto your Australian myHerbalife website and just see that you have 2500 personal volume and you might assume you have enough to qualify for the full 5% royalty overides. However, if some of that volume was purchased in the US by a US distributor, that volume will be undocumented and will not count.
For example, your US distributor might have bought 200 vp, which means your total documented volume will only be 2300vp for that month, and hence you will only qualify for 4% royalties. It’s therefore important to check your volume status on the United States myHerbalife website to make double sure your personal documented volume requirements are met.
“I love the Herbalife Gold Standard Guarantees. It removes virtually all financial risks for prospective new Herbalife members.”
Will Kilian
Herbalife ID: 46024370
Tags: herbalife preferred member, herbalife wholesale customer, preferred customer, preferred member, wholesale customer
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