Your first Herbalife products order is important. It sets the tone for your success. Both you and your sponsor, wants you to start right and to get the most value out of your Herbalife experience.
If you are like most people, you want to get the best value for your money and you want to buy the products that will give you the results you are after in the shortest possible time!
Herbalife Product Results are not typical. Individual results will vary. But just have a look at what is possible!
In order to do that, it is highly recommended that you start with one of the Herbalife Weight Management Programs that are available in your country.
Before I show you what your options are, you have to make a few basic decisions first:
Would you like to buy your Herbalife Products at RETAIL or at WHOLESALE?
This is your first decision.
As Herbalife customer, you can pay full retail.
As a Herbalife member, you can buy at wholesale.
With Herbalife, there are no disadvantages to buying wholesale. The Herbalife Gold Standard Guarantees are there to protect you; making your investment into your new healthier future, virtually risk-free.
I will therefore assume that you would like to buy wholesale (at a discount) rather than retail, right? In order to do so, you first have to register as a Herbalife member. You need a Herbalife sponsor to do so.)
Click HERE to find out how to join Herbalife as a member
What discount do you want on your Herbalife products?
This is your second decision.
For most people, this decision is influenced by their level of belief in the Herbalife products. If you have done your due diligence, and you know that Herbalife has the products to deliver the results you want, you will obviously want to buy the products at the highest discount possible.
Below we discus the two most popular starting positions. We do not recommend that you go for the 42% or 50% discount levels with your first order. If you are interested to get to the 50% discount level, we would much rather teach you a simple strategy to help you to do it, without having to invest a lot of money into stock.
To learn more about our 12 Week Risk-Free FCP strategy, CLICK here.
Herbalife Member – 25% discount
As a Herbalife member, you are entitled to a minimum of 25% discount on your products. This is a generous starting discount. If you just want to buy one or two programs or use Herbalife just for a short-term, this discount level is for you.
If however you know that you are going to use the Herbalife products for a longer period of time, or you are more than one person that are going to use the Herbalife products, e.g. your family or friends using it with you, then it is definitely worth your while to look at the next discount level.
Herbalife Senior Consultant – 35% discount
This is by far the most popular starting position in Herbalife, as it provides fantastic value for money. Because you are buying at a higher discount, you can get more products for your money!
This position is sometimes affectionately called the “Family Customer Position”, as it is a great way to start using the Herbalife products as a family.
In order to qualify to this discount level, you need to order a few products together; sort of like a “bulk buying discount”, except that you only have to purchase about 4 programs together, which will be easily consumed in 2-3 months at most.
The amazing benefit of this position is that you only have to qualify to this discount level ONCE, thereafter you remain on a permanent minimum discount of 35%, even if you only order one product at a time thereafter.
To learn more about the Herbalife Discount levels, click HERE.
Video Instructions on How to Place your First Herbalife Product Order:
SAMPLE Herbalife Product Orders:
Once you logged into your own Herbalife back office at www.myherbalife.com after registration as a Herbalife member, head over to the “ORDER PRODUCTS” tab and look for the Weight Management Programs that are available in your country. These are programs that are already put together by Herbalife; they compliment each other. In most Herbalife countries you will find three different programs:
The Quickstart Program
The Advanced Program
The Ultimate Program
There is no right or wrong. Start with the best program that you can afford. You can always upgrade later. Until you are more familiar with the Herbalife products, you can order these weight management programs. Later, as you become more knowledgeable on the different Herbalife products, you can make up your own orders.
In each Herbalife country (over 90 countries around the world), the Herbalife products are assigned a “volume point” value. This is to ensure equality all around the world, in spite of the fact that you will pay in the currency of your country.
In order to qualify to the Senior Consultant Level (35% discount), you need to place a once off order of 500 volume points. Below are sample 500 volume point orders for FOUR countries, just to give you an idea.
To learn more about Herbalife Volume Points, CLICK here.
Sample 500 Volume Point Order in the United States of America:
2 x Ultimate Programs (182.3 vp) = 329.2 vp
1 x Advanced Program (143.30 vp) = 143.3 vp
TOTAL = 507.9 vp
Sample 500 Volume Point Order in the Australia:
1 x Ultimate Program (177.15 vp) = 177.15 vp
1 x Advanced Program (131.70 vp) = 131.7 vp
2 x Quickstart Programs (96.75 vp) = 193.5 vp
TOTAL = 502.35
About the author:
Willem & Suné Kilian
Global Expansion Team
Herbalife ID: 46-024370
Email: wjkilian@gmail.com
Based in Australia.
Willem Kilian: Husband, Father, Lawyer, Entrepreneur and MLM/Network Marketing Trainer.
“My wife and I are (me-time) independent Herbalife distributors since March 1996. We both got great results on the products. She lost 10kg within the first few months and I lost 36kg in 6 months. We both maintain our new healthy weight ever since. (Compulsory legal disclaimer: These results are not typical. Individual results will vary.) Although we are both professionals – she being a medical doctor and me being a lawyer, we recommend the Herbalife products to everyone who wants to improve their health and well-being. We are a typical Herbalife family. Our kids love the products as much as we do. The Herbalife business opportunity is arguably one of the best in the network marketing industry, paying back 73% of the gross turnover to its distributors via retail profits, wholesale profits, royalties and bonuses. The combination of these amazing products with this solid compensation plan, makes Herbalife in our eyes the best network marketing opportunity out there.
If you are not yet a Herbalife distributor/member, but are interested to know more, you can click on the Apply Online (smiling lady picture) on the right. It will take you to a new page that provide you with more information.
However, if you are ready, willing and able to join us right now, just follow the 5 easy steps below.
How to Join our Herbalife Team
You can Join Herbalife in a few minutes with 5 easy steps, sign-up using the online application:
- Click on the following link MyHerbalife
- For “Sponsor’s Herbalife ID Number” enter “46024370“
- For “First 3 Letters of Sponsor’s Last Name” enter “KIL“
- For “Purchased an International Business Pack (IBP) from your Sponsor?” Select “No”
- Click “Next” and follow the instructions to complete your Herbalife membership application.
You will have access to place your discounted orders directly from Herbalife within minutes and receive the International Business Pack (IBP) which includes detailed instructions on being a distributor along with some samples. Your starting discount is 25%!
If your country is not on the list to join online, just send us an email at either wjkilian@gmail.com or wiki@ezhealthbiz.com, and we will assist you to register in your country of residence. Provided of course that you do live in one of the 90 countries already open for Herbalife business.
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Tags: buy herbalife products, herbalife products, herbalife products discounts, join herbalife, order herbalife products
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