Take risks in life. Think, evaluate, calculate, jump!

take risks in life
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Take risks in life….think, evaluate, calculate, jump!

Take risks in life….think what you want to do, evaluate how you will do it, calculate which factors will give you the edge and………. jump!

Do you take risks in life?

I do! Even if you don’t know it, you do too. Making a decision to do something is calculating risk. A small decision – like should I drive to work or ride my bike? What’s the risk? You ask the questions, get all the answers because you already have the knowledge of previous experience. You quickly and easily calculate your risk and off to work you go…..in the rain on your bike because today you are testing your determination as well!

Now take risks in life on a bigger (scarier) scale. Compare it with jumping from a high rocky ledge into the ocean. You have to calculate the depth and movement of the water and take into consideration where you are on the ledge. The outcome is going to be the same. You are going to be wet!!!! Your knowledge helps you calculate how to minimise the risk to yourself. By the way, adrenaline junkies call this coasteering!!!

What about when you take risks in life with Herbalife?

Are you thinking…I am at a junction. I need to do something. I need to take risks in life. What am I risking, joining Herbalife? How can we help you calculate the risk of jumping or not? What information do you need about Herbalife? Let’s answer a few questions and you can calculate these risks yourself.

Should I join The Herbalife Family? Why not? You can use the products in two ways as a retail customer or as a distributor at a 25% discount. As a retail customer you have a 30 day, bottom of the tin, money back guarantee. How cool is that?! No risk there is there?

How do I qualify for my 25% discount? You buy an international business pack (IBP). If you live in a country, where Herbalife operates, then we can get you sorted. It’s quick and easy. What’s in the IBP? Everything you need to get kickstart your health (products) and jumpstart your new business. Best of all, you are 1 click away from being registered with Herbalife’s global network in more than 80 countries.  Still think this is one those ‘take risks in life moments’?

Take risks in life

Risk it with Herbalife!

What happens after that? You decide. I only want to use the products – I don’t want to do the business. That’s ok, many people do. You can stay a wholesale customer at 25%, for as long as you want. How much products do I have to buy to stay on 25%? Nothing! Your 25% discount is valid for 12 months even if you don’t buy another product after purchasing your IBP. After 12 months you re-register for a fraction of the your IBP and you stay on 25% for another 12 months. Easy enough?

Actually, I want to do some business. What do I do? You use the products, get your results (value) and share your story. That’s how your business grows. We will support and guide you on your way. Herbalife deals with most of the administration of your business. You live here and your client is half way across the world? No problem – Herbalife takes care of that.

What about the information I need about products and training? Well, when you register with Herbalife, you have access to everything you need on product information, training advice and videos to help you on your way.

You are in control. All the way through. No one can force you to do anything. You are your own customer. You run your own business. Are you ok with that?

The information we give you here, is to give you knowledge to clarify your thoughts, to calculate your risk, to decide to jump or not. The water in Herbalife is deep enough. You can move (up) to 35%, 42% and finally 50% where you retain your discount for 12 months as well. On the higher levels you will be selling products to your customers to retain your level of discount.

Many people are apprehensive of the unknown. We were, when we started, because we have never heard of Herbalife. We hope we can help you the way our friends did, more than 10 years ago. Ready to take risks in life?! Ready to take a calculated risk? We are ready when you are!

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12 years ago

Anyone reading this article will clearly be able to calculate the level of risk (if any) in joining you in Herbalife. Great article.


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