Is childhood obesity something that you are confronted with in your family? If so, you might find this article of value.
Why does childhood obesity matter?
This question is asked by the World Health Organisation. I think it might be worthwhile if all of us pondered the same question. Do we really want to see our children overweight and suffering the consequences of this condition? In 2010, the World Health Organisation estimated obese children, under the age of five to be a staggering 42 million.
What does it mean to be obese?
Wikipedia describes obesity as a clinical condition in which excess body fat has accumulated, to the extent that it may have an adverse effect on your health.
How do we become obese?
The Department of Health (United Kingdom) says taking in more calories than needed and a lack of physical exercise leads to being overweight or obese.
What are the consequences for children who are obese?
Cardiovascular disease (heart disease)and diabetes are among the conditions obese children could suffer from. These conditions start at an earlier age and tends to continue its way into adulthood with dire consequences for the individual and a strain on any health care system, whether it be private or state run.
How do we avoid childhood obesity?
By providing children with good nutrition and physical activity. Cutting out food with unnecessary empty calories and eating food high in nutrition.
This is a direct quote from the World Health Organisation:
“… physical activity has been associated with psychological benefits in young people by: improving their control over symptomps of anxiety and depression; and assisting in social development by providing opportunities for self-expression, building self-confidence, social interaction and integration”.
Isn’t that how we would like to see our children?
Happy, running around with silly smiles on their faces? The only way we can keep our children healthy is to educate ourselves and our children on what to eat and ….the importance of being active. No couch potatoes allowed….
Childhood obesity can largely be prevented
The negative effects of childhood obesity, and the affect it has on the child, is well-known. An overweight child is usually a child with low self esteem, especially when they reach the teenager stage.
The good news is that childhood obesity can be reversed, but there are some challenges.
You have to change the child’s eating habits and get them active. However, finding the right foods to eat, is not that easy. Unfortunately, due to consumer choices and supermarket demands,our food supply has been ‘corrupted’ and the food we buy today, do not have the vital nutrients, minerals and proteins that our bodies need to be healthy. Furthermore, our food do contain a lot of harmful chemicals, ranging from pesticides to growth hormones and genetically modified food.
The modern family has no other choice but to do what all serious athletes do – supplement.
Finding the right supplement can be a mission on its own. Look for a company and a product that has stood the test of time. I prefer to look at the products that are being used by the top athletes, as they are undergoing rigorous testing to ensure that they are not using harmful or illegal substances. They are also focussed on finding supplements that provide optimum performance nutrition.
As a busy professional mom myself, I found a product for my family that is quick, easy, tasty and that provide our bodies with the nutrition it needs. It should also be something that I could use.
If you are interested in how I contribute to a healthy home environment and challenge childhood obesity in my house, JUST CLICK HERE.
Author: Dr. Michelle Lyners
Tags: childhood obesity, fat children, obesity in children, overweight children
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Hi Dr Michelle,
Great article. I enjoyed reading it very much. Hope your other readers do too.