Are you happy with your health results? Or are you like most people constantly dissatisfied with your health results? Don’t you just hate it when someone complain that they are fat, or out of shape or overweight, but when you look at them, they look perfectly healthy?
Your Health Results are a direct result of WHAT you are focused on
Have you ever heard the saying, what you focus on expand? No? How about the saying, “be careful what you wish for”? It’s the same thing. What we focus on, tends to occupy our minds. We create new thoughts constantly about that. If you think you are overweight, and you focus on that, your mind will constantly create new thoughts and images of you being overweight. Before you know it, even though you were just fine, you gained yet another 5 kg!
You should know these basic universal truths in order to put them to good use in your quest for your health results. Here are a few more…
Success lies in the opposite direction of the normal pull. What this means is that success is not easy street, floating down river. It is a fight against this normal pull, or negative pull, that wants to keep you from your desired results.
Whatever you chase, runs away. Chasing money? You will always want more. Chasing the “ideal body”? You will always think that you are not there yet and keep going for more. This obsession robs you from a very vital part of your life – enjoying it.
Your results are always 90 degrees from your action. The best way to explain this is by example. If you are overweight and unhealthy, and you really desperately want to be at a healthy weight, focusing on the problem is not going to help. You need to focus on the solution. The solution to your health results is your lifestyle. Therefore, if you focus on, and put your effort into living a healthy lifestyle, your results will come automatically. Instead of jumping onto the scales every day, focus on your routine. Eat healthy every day, exercise every day, drink at least 8-10 glasses of water per day, try to get at least 8hrs of sleep in every day and avoid putting junk in your trunk! Living like this WILL bring your results. You don’t need faith. It will be an inevitable result of the way you live, just as your current state of health is the inevitable result of how you chose to live up until now.
Success has a recipe or formula if you will: K + S + A = S.
Knowledge + Skill + Attitude = Success (Your desired results)
No matter what it is you want to achieve, whether it be to become a doctor or to be at your best level of health that you can possibly be, it all require that you follow this formula.
First you need the right attitude. You must seriously WANT the desired results. You must be passionate about it. Why? To carry you through the hard time that WILL come. All worthwhile pursuits require effort and sacrifice.
Next you will need the relevant knowledge, because knowledge tells you WHAT to do. This might take you years to acquire. Medical doctors study for 7 years.
Lastly, you need the relevant skills. Skill is knowing HOW to do something. Note that there are different levels of skill. Those who become highly skillful in their chosen field or endeavor, are those who practice, practice, practice, and keep practicing. Another way of looking at skill is that it’s practiced knowledge. You have to practice the CORRECT thing, and for that you need the knowledge first, otherwise you practice the wrong thing and skills will be compromised.
We live life by choice. When I was 36 kg over weight, I did not realise that I was over weight by choice, until I was asked the question: “have you ever eaten anything by accident?” This meant I was to blame. I was responsible for my own health results. And I did not like it. Fortunately, I realised that if I live life by choice, if it is my choice, I can choose differently for my future. And that is what I did. I implore you to do the same. Choose to live a healthy life, for the rest of your life. As my mentor used to say, “I will take care of me for you, if you will please take care of you, for me.”
Good luck with your health results, and remember, we are on this journey together.
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