Day 37: Your Attention is a Valuable Commodity

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Day 37: Your Attention is a Valuable Commodity (90 Day Video Blogging Series)

One of the most valuable gifts you can give someone, is the gift of your attention. You see my friend, your attention is a valuable commodity. You have only 24 hours per day. The average world citizen lives only approximately 25,550 days. That gives you a ripe old age of 70. However, if you take care of yourself you can obviously stretch that to 80, 85…even 90.

If you plan on stretching your time on earth, make sure that you do everything in your power to stay as healthy as you possibly can all through life.

Yes, our time on earth is indeed limited. Your time is therefore very very valuable. Each second you take to read this blog and watch this video, is valuable and I just want you to know that I appreciate that. I appreciate you. Life after all, is about building successful long-term relationships. It’s about spending quality time together. It’s about edifying one another and building people up. This is a skill. The normal pull is negative. The normal pull is to complain, gripe and criticize. That’s where personal development comes in. Learning to focus and spend your valuable time on things and people that produces most of the value in your life. Catch a little bit of my excitement in this video. Watch it only once…your time is valuable. 🙂

Your Attention is a Valuable Commodity

Your Attention is a Valuable Commodity

thank you for your attentionIf you are still reading…THANK YOU! I appreciate your attention. You know what else I really really appreciate? Those of you who choose to join me in my quest to help other people become more happy, healthy and prosperous. I care about each one of you. I care about your happiness, health and prosperity. If you stay with me, if you give me your attention – your continued attention, we will live a life of happiness, health and prosperity together. Whether we are on this earth for 25,000 days or 30,000 days, does not matter. What matters is that we honor one another with the gift of our attention. Your attention is a precious commodity. You can spend it, save it up for yourself or invest it in other people. It’s your attention, it is your decision. Love you all.


To your happiness, health and prosperity!


~ Will Kilian

p.s. Special thanks to Tony, Frank and John for making this powerful video available to all of us. Your contribution to society is significant!


your attention










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