Why is it important to drink water?
A recent article sparked some thoughts that made me reflect on this question: Why is it important to drink water?
I am just so passionate about this subject after experiencing the difference it has made in both my own and the lives of our customers.
Here I would like to share these thoughts with you in reply to Will & Suné’s great article: “How many glasses of water should I drink a day?”
My day have just started but I will have no problem drinking my 3 liters of water today.
Some years ago I had a small construction business that took me out the door at 05h00 and back home never before 21h00. I allowed this to remove my “religious” breakfast and drinking lots of water from my lifestyle. In fact I actually never had proper meals except for a supper (that happened much too late to make matters worse).
As a result I was PLAGUED by an ever present or looming headache following me like it was my shadow.
It all changed for me when I became an Herbalife Independent Distributor in 2008.
I am living proof that Herbalife’s Herbal Aloe Concentrate and NRG and the Healthiest Breakfast on the planet (Herbal Aloe Concentrate + Thermojetics + Formula 1 Shake) is the solution for my headaches. I need not look any further: there is no other for me.
Now that we are Nutrition Coaches:
“How much water do you drink?”
is The First question we ask our new customers.
We then teach them too why is it important to drink water everyday as part of a Healthy Active Lifestyle.
Enough WATER is the single most important nutrient that you must feed your Brain!
– We have witnessed so many weight loss clients get even better results the same week they start to drink the amount of water we subscribe to them as part of the Meal Plans we give them to follow.
– I know from experience and our customers testify regularly how drinking enough water enhances concentration levels and better marks at school if students maintain this as part of their lifestyle.
– Headaches and Water does not mix 🙂 Boosting your water intake will give you relief of a headache within 20-30 minutes. I know because I meet lots of people that complains about headaches while I am doing Wellness Evaluations with them. Those that followed my advice got relief by the end of our session and are all committed customers now. They are also living headache free just like me.
– For severe cases like migraine I have witnessed many people get strong relief within 30 minutes after using either our Herbalife NRG or Herbalife Thermojetics (or Instant Herbal Beverage).
Just yesterday, on our way back from a Wellness Evaluation with a new customer, my wife and me popped in at a customer that had started to use the Herbal Aloe Concentrate. She was suffering from severe bloatedness and constipation leaving her with constant discomfort and some days even pain. She was so happy to see us and immediately told us how much better she feels after only two days using the Herbal Aloe Concentrate and drinking more water.
As a bonus, her excitement makes us feel valued and that is always good. The star of this story though as always is the Herbalife Products that simply just works every time.
Note: These results may not be typical to all people but is testimony from my own experience and those of my customers.
In the video below you learn more about proper hydration with free tips from Herbalife’s Dr. Luigi Gratton.
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cr18d_YGTbM]
Dr. Luigi Gratton shares with us exactly “Why is it important to drink water” every day if you want to achieve or maintain good health and how drinking water can help with exceptional sports performance.
You should in fact drink water during exercise! Be careful though, you do not want to drink too much water at a time. You do not want to weigh your body down or cause discomfort – just listen to your body.
If you are unsure of how much water to drink or when to drink water then you are welcome to contact me. I will help you to plan how and when to drink water to best suit your Exercise- and Sports Activity or even your Weight Loss Plan.
Tags: drink water during exercise, headaches and water, how much water to drink everyday, why is it important to drink water
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Great article. Inspired to drink more water every day after reading this post. Thanks.
Thank you for sharing your personal experience with us. Great article.