What Should I Weigh??

how much should I weigh
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What Should I Weigh??- what’s your relationship with your scale?

 What should I weigh?  Do you have the answer to this question?Why are you wondering about it?  What if you are your perfect weight?  Why do you think you are not your perfect weight? Did your mind, your scale or doctor tell you that?

Do you have a scale?  How often do you jump onto the scale? If you do, how do you feel?  Do you jump on with excitement or trepidation?  Even if you are on a successful weight loss plan, what do you REALLY think, just before you get on the scale?

What would you like your scale to say, when you ask –   What should I weigh today? Today, you are looking really well and you are your perfect weight, Michelle!  What about? Hi sexy! Wow, you look great! Wouldn’t that be great?  Wouldn’t that be a fantastic start to our day!

But let’s be realistic.  That’s a far cry from what truly happens….isn’t it? I had an interesting (hilarious) conversation with my colleagues when I asked – do you have a scale at home?  The thinnest person in the room, was the one literally jumping on the scale 4-5 times a day. Crazy!

Other’s weren’t just asking,  what should I weigh today, they were actually having conversations with their scales.  Some were cursing the scales.  Some were blaming their scales for their weight.  Others got on the scale, looked at their weight and just believed their scales were broken.  Why? You do know if your weight is ok or not.  Well most people do anyway.


How much should I weigh

All worries, ESPECIALLY the next feed

What should I weigh

Happy, with no worries except the next feed



You tell me how do we go from this……………………………………to this?!



So what could you do with your scale? For a start – get onto the scale and write down what you see.  If you are happy, put the scale away.  If you are not happy, write down your weight, put (throw ;-)) the scale away and do something about it.  What should you do? First start training your mind to think about your body differently. You are beautiful. You just need to find it – again. It’s always been there. You can be the best person you want to be and it will have to start with…..YOU!

Just remember, ‘what should I weigh’ is a guideline. Your scale is a measuring device – that’s it.  Whether you have a simple scale, with a needle that swings round or a tanita scale, that measures everything you can think of, in terms of your body composition – it doesn’t matter.  It will not lose or gain your weight for you.  It can’t intimidate you.  It can’t blackmail you.  It can only give you information. It depends on you, how you interpret that information – neutrally or emotionally?

My own ‘what should I weigh’, actually surprised me, as I found out, being a bit heavier, has made me feel more comfortable in my own skin.  I know, I know, most of us want to be lighter and slimmer when we look in the mirror and wonder  – what should I weigh, but that’s not always the case!


How much should I weigh

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How much should I weigh

Have a great day!

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