What are antioxidants and why should you care?
By now, we probably all heard about antioxidants and we also probably know that it is good for you, but other than that, we are pretty much clueless. What are antioxidants really?
The best I ever heard it explained was when Dr David Katzin, world-renowned nutrition expert, explained it this way: He said antioxidants are needed to fight of the free radicals in your body. So what the heck are free radicals? To me it sounds like rouge body cells who decided to smoke pot, hang out with the bad crowd and rebel against the establishment. Apparently, that is not far off.
Ostensibly, and this is my layman’s terms, a free radical is a “sick” body cell…it got attacked which caused it to have an “unpaired electron” and now it is looking for healthy cells where it could go and pair up with, thereby causing that cell to be damaged, and now it spreads…
Antioxidants go in and “bind” or “pair” with these free radicals, thereby saving your healthy cells.
Make sense? I hope that answers the question: what are antioxidants?
Okay, for you science buffs, here is a more technical explanation:
In chemistry, a radical (more precisely, a free radical) is an atom, molecule, or ion that has unpaired valence electrons or an open electron shell, and therefore may be seen as having one or more “dangling” covalent bonds.
With some exceptions, these “dangling” bonds make free radicals highly chemically reactive towards other substances, or even towards themselves: their molecules will often spontaneously dimerize or polymerize if they come in contact with each other.
Now that answers the question: What are antioxidants – But why should I care?
Recently I found this short video by Susan Bowerman explaining how antioxidants works in the body, what foods are rich in antioxidants and why we should care. Watch this:
So now you know what are antioxidants, but where do you get them?
Well, as Susan explained the skin of much of the fruit and vegetables she mentioned, contains it. However, Houston, we have a problem.
The problem is this. Modern food cultivation calls for pesticides and truckloads of chemicals to be sprayed over our fruits and vegetables, diminishing the nutrient quality. Then it’s subjected to preservation techniques to ensure that it will have a very long shelf life; in some instances months and even years. How much nutrition do you think is left in an apple that was harvested 12 months ago? Under normal circumstances that apple will be rotten in a week. Why is it lasting so long???? That’s right! Artificial preservation. Bottom line – the fruit and vegetables we eat today, very seldom have any nutrient value left. Then, most people go and cook the food and there goes the last bit of it…or they peel the fruit, and there goes all the antioxidants down the trash.
Now you know what are antioxidants and now you know you need them daily. You know where you can get them. However, if you cannot get your hands on fresh fruit and vegetables daily, the best source of your antioxidants is to find a really good supplement.
Antioxidant Supplements
Most reputable health and nutritional companies will have an antioxidant supplement. However, not all supplements are created equal. I prefer to use the best. When it comes to my family and my kids, I don’t want to risk spending a few dollars less on buying a supplement that is not the best. I choose to buy from the number one health and nutrition company in the world, Herbalife.
Herbalife has the perfect antioxidant supplement. Previously it was known as Rose-Ox. It was recently renamed RoseGuard.
RoseGuard Antioxidant
Here is the official description:
An exclusive blend of herbs (rosemary, turmeric and astragalus”) and vitamins to support healthy liver and immune function.
Key Benefits
Supports your body’s natural defense against environmental toxins.* Provides antioxidant support throughout the day.* Contains astragalus, traditionally used to support healthy liver function.* Helps recycle the antioxidant activity of Vitamin E.
The body is exposed daily to pollution and other environmental toxins. RoseGuard supports the body’s natural defense against environmental toxins, while providing antioxidant support throughout the day.
Take one tablet in the morning and one in the afternoon, preferably with a meal. Combine with Schizandra Plus to further promote good health.
To find out more about Roseguard, or any of the Herbalife products, just click the link below. It will take you to a page where you are shown some great results. Then just pop in your name and email address, and we will send you the information free of charge to your email. You will also have the opportunity to connect with us in person. So click this link now, fill out your name and email and check your email inbox.
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Will & Sune Kilian
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Tags: antioxidant supplement, antioxidants, best antioxidant, best antioxidant supplement, best antioxidants, free radicals, roseguard, what are antioxidants, why use antioxidants
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