To take risks in life do not come naturally to most of us. We tend to be scared of taking risks. Most of us avoid risk taking at all costs. Here is the problem with that philosophy: In order to position yourself for success you need to take risks in life.
This week one of my dear friends posted something on Facebook that was ostensibly said by Robert Kiyosaki to the effect that, those people who do not taking risks, are the biggest risk takers.
“In today’s rapidly changing world, the people who are not taking risks, are the risk takers – Robert Kiyosaki
What do you think?”
Something to think about.
This was my response:
“Look, no one knows what is going to happen in the future. One fact that remains, is that if you don’t change anything (which might imply taking some risks) nothing is going to change for you. I am all for calculated risks. I tend to ask myself, “what is the worst thing that can happen?” and then I ask “if that does happen, am I okay with it?” If not, the risk is too great. I also ask myself, “what is the best case scenario?” This inevitably makes the decision easier.”
“Therefore, if you are already headed for trouble, on a trip to disaster so to speak, and you don’t do anything about it, then yes, doing nothing is very risky.”
Take risks in life: Position yourself for success is the starting point
Just the other week I wrote a blog post on another forum about this very topic – How to position yourself for success.
After being jolted to think about the risk-no risk conundrum, I realised that when you position yourself for success in whatever you do. Whether it be your job, your relationships, your hobby or your business, you inevitably need to take some risks. Actually, we take risks in life every day. Why? Because we do not know what the future holds. It’s that simple. Sometimes we just need to calculate the risks as best we can, make a decision and then, after you decided to go for it. GO FOR IT! No turning back. No regrets. No second thoughts. Passionately put all your energy and resources behind your decision. This is your best guarantee for success. With your decision you position yourself for success. By taking passionate action, you are creating the success.
Take risks in life: Position yourself for success – it’s inevitable!
You are already taking risks in life…just be stepping out of the front door, by climbing into a car, by jumping on a motorbike, by boarding an airplane, by canoeing down a river, by mountain biking for exercise….you get the point…living life means taking risks. You can just as well plan to take risks in life and thereby position yourself for success that you want. You be in control of what the future holds for you.
When you are faced with the decision to take risks today, force yourself to make calculated risks. That way you will actually become comfortable with the idea of taking risks and living a much fuller and much more rewarding life. If you are already heading for disaster in one area of your life, be it your health or your financial position or whatever…know this: if you don’t risk doing something positive about it, it ain’t gonna change.
Take risks in life: Position yourself for success with Herbalife
When you join Herbalife you are taking a risk, especially if your belief in what the company and the products can do for you, is still very low or non-existent. The level of your belief system about something will determine the level of risk that you will be willing to take.
The Herbalife products, if used daily as recommended, will improve your health and well being dramatically. No question about it! I know.
I needed to lose weight. I started using the Herbalife products every day as recommended and six months later I lost 36kg and looked and felt better, younger and healthier than ever. Did the Herbalife products change my life? No. Me using the Herbalife products changed my life. By me becoming a Herbalife distributor I positioned myself for success. When I then ordered my first Herbalife products I positioned myself for success even more…but only when I started to actually use it every day as recommended, did I begin to create my success.
By becoming a Herbalife distributor at 25% discount, I positioned myself to get the products cheaper. By qualifying to the 35% and ultimately the 50% discount levels in Herbalife I took a risk. I risked my finances. I risked my reputation. I risked being ridiculed…(a lawyer doing Herbalife? really?) We have to take risks in life. But I also positioned myself to make maximum retail profit, maximum wholesale profit AND earn passive income from the Herbalife products. (Compulsory Legal disclaimer: These results are not typical. Individual results will vary.)
The rewards of that one single risk to try out the products in retrospect far out ways any negative thoughts and feelings I had in the beginning. I am so glad I went for it!
Take risks in life: Position yourself for success – Think Risk – Reward
When you think risk….think reward. What is the reward you will get if you take the risk (position yourself for success) and then follow through on the decision (taking action)? Is the reward worth the risks? If yes, don’t think twice – GO FOR IT.
I always ask myself: What is the worst thing that can happen?
Once I determined that, my next question is: If that happens, will I be okay?
When you identify the worst possible outcomes, and realise that you will actually be okay if that would occur, it would not be the end of the world, you literally break the stronghold that the fear of taking risks have over your life. That is the same fear that keeps you from being the person you want to be. From being the success you deserve to be. From living the life you dream of living.
I want to encourage you today. Look for a risk to take to improve your life. Calculate the risk. Then GO FOR IT!
Take risks in life because that is the only way to position yourself for success.
Tags: position yourself for success, positioning yourself for success, take risks, take risks in life, taking risks, taking risks in life
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We all need to know HOW to take risky decisions. That way we are not stressed out about it. If you are stressed about it, you won’t be able to put your full energy behind your decision. Knowing HOW to take a CALCULATED risk, will make your life so much easier and fuller!
To your happiness, health and prosperity!