Sponsor more people into your Herbalife business by being yourself (90 Day Video Blogging Series)
You will sponsor more people into your Herbalife business by being yourself, than by trying to be someone else.
Herbalife needs you and your story.
[Video] I followed others blindly….and got into trouble!
Sponsor more people into your Herbalife business by being yourself
People will connect with you if you are yourself. Do not try to be anyone else. Do not try to be who you think your prospects want you to be. When you tell your story, do so in a genuine voice and manner. Do not sound like a recording.
You do not need all people to follow you or join you. There are 7 billion people on earth. At any given moment, 3 billion people are on the Internet. You only need a very small fraction to connect with you to build a thriving business. All you need is FOCUS. Focus and be yourself and you will begin to recruit more and more people into your business.
Is there any reason why you cannot recruit 1 person per day into your Herbalife business? If you want to earn passive income, you have to sponsor more people. People do not care about you, who you are, what you are, or about all the facts about Herbalife as a company and the facts about the products….
People care about themselves! They constantly (consciously and subconsciously) ask: WIIFM???
“What is in it for me?”
How to Sponsor More People
Here are a few things to remember when you speak to a new Herbalife prospect.
The prospect wants to know:
1. What are you selling? [Don’t beat around the bush. Respect your prospect’s time.]
2. What can it do for me. [What benefits will the prospect get from what you offer. He does not want to know the features of your product; just the benefits.]
3. Why should I listen to you? [Do you speak from personal experience or do you have a trust relationship with this person?]
4. How much does it cost? [Always strive to under promise and over deliver.]
5. Where can I get it? [Always have what you are selling immediately available for delivery. Once a prospect decided to buy, he becomes very impatient. He wants it now.]
If you are recruiting and immediate online recruiting is not possible in your country, carry International Business Packs with you. If you buy 6 at a time, you get the 6th one free. Always have IBP’s for those people you encounter offline. People like to act while the idea is hot. So by the way, if you carry extra IBP’s, you will automatically sponsor more people than you otherwise would. Fact.
Do not FEAR what other people will think if you talk to them about the Herbalife business opportunity.
Other people think only about themselves and what they want, not whether or not you made a fool of yourself or whether or not YOU THINK you made a fool of yourself. Seriously…that does not even cross their mind. So be sure to keep the above 5 questions in mind and go talk to more people.
The only reason you are not sponsoring more people into your Herbalife business, is because you are not talking to people about it…period.
- How badly do you want to become a Herbalife President’s Team Member?
- How badly do you want to earn passive income in excess of $10,000 per month?
- How badly do you want to break free from whatever is eating your soul away every day???
If you start recruiting 1 Herbalife distributor per day for the next 90 days….your life WILL change. It is inevitable. Just be yourself. Show people the real you. Show your vulnerability. Sure enough, some people will diss you. So freaking what. The majority of people are good people, and if you are genuine with them, they will respect you, irrespective of whether they join you now, later or never. As long as you keep the above 5 questions in mind, address them quickly and efficiently…and whilst being yourself…people will join you. Why? Because they need the products!
We all need the products. They might not need the money, but they might need the freedom that comes from earning passive income. They might need the social interaction or the challenge of building a team. (Seriously! I met a guy and all he wants to do, is to see how big a team he can build!)
Whatever drives your prospect, does not matter. What you have to offer is extremely valuable.
How do you treat what you sell?
Do you treat the Herbalife opportunity as something that is extremely valuable? You don’t have to answer that.
I am telling you, if you treat your Herbalife opportunity as if it was a precious diamond, or a fragile crystal masterpiece, that will show in your eyes and translate in your voice….into your prospects eyes and ears….and your prospect will see it as something of extreme value.
Some people “take out there opportunity from their pockets”, and show it to their prospects as if it was a grease covered rag! You can almost see the prospect backing up when you take it out.
Instead it must be like a precious diamond, folded carefully in a pure silk cloth. Your prospect must lean in and admire it with you.
Two different pictures with two different outcomes. Which one do you think wanted to be sponsored as a Herbalife distributor?
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To your happiness, health and prosperity!
~ Will Kilian
To join me in Herbalife and get your products at a minimum discount of 25%, just follow these 5 steps. To apply online will take only a few minutes. Just follow these 5 easy steps: 1. Click on the following link: https://us.onlinecontract.myherbalife.com
2. For “Sponsor’s Herbalife ID Number” enter “46024370”
3. For “First 3 Letters of Sponsor’s Last Name” enter “KIL”
4. For “Purchased an International Business Pack (IBP) from your Sponsor?” Select “No”
5. Click “Next” and follow the instructions to complete your Herbalife membership application.
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~ I am going places. You can watch me or join me. 🙂 ~
Tags: be yourself when you sponsor, become a better sponsor, how to sponsor herbalife distributors, lesson in recruiting, lesson in sponsoring, sponsor herbalife distributors
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