Twenty five days into my body reshaping challenge and I feel great
Some people don’t do well simply because they don’t feel well.
Jim Rohn
After 25 days of my sixty day body reshaping challenge with Herbalife I feel great! Had another round of golf today (did not play too well; swapped my ping putter back into the bag and I think after today he is out again!) But other than that, physically, I feel great. Loads of energy!!!
Herewith my Tanita results of this morning at 6:50:
- Weight 98.3 kg (up 300g from yesterday; over all down 4.2kg)
- Body fat percentage 28.5% (up 0.4% from yesterday; over all down 5.3%)
- Body fat mass 28 kg (up by 500g from yesterday; over all down by 5.6kg)
- Visceral fat 14 (same; overall 2 down)
- Body water percentage 49.5% (down 0.2% from yesterday; over all up by 1.1%)
- Muscle mass 66.9kg (down by 100g from yesterday; over all up by 1.4kg)
- Metabolic age 65 (up by 1yrs from yesterday; overall down 3yrs)
Last night’s dinner was lamb chops.
I feel like it’s time to crank it up a notch and see if I can’t get under 95kg within the next few days.
I’m a bit nervous with my week of holidays at the beach coming up, but I’ll just have to make the best of it.
As always, thanks for checking in on me. Much appreciated.
Tags: herbalife shake, lose weight
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