Thursday, 23 March 2023
I lost 7.5kg in 60 days
As you know, 60 days ago I set myself a sixty day body reshaping challenge. My starting stats on 23 January 2023 were:
- Weight 102.5kg (my ideal weight is 85kg)
- Body fat percentage 32.6% (totally obese)
- Visceral fat 16 (dangerously high, should be low single digits…this is fat around the organs!)
- Body water 47.5% (needs to be like 55% or higher)
- Muscle mass 65.6kg
- Metabolic age 68yrs old (this should be lower than my chronological age, which is 53!)
I had four main goals:
- Weight 85kg
- Body fat percentage 20%
- Visceral fat 9
- Metabolic age 49
Sadly, I failed to hit any of my four goals. Now you might say some of these goals were not realistic, and maybe that is true to a degree. But if you just start out, you have to choose your ideals and go for it, right?
So without further ado, here are this morning’s Tanita results as at 6.41 am:
- Weight 95 kg (down 300g from yesterday; over all down 7.5kg)
- Body fat percentage 25% (down 0.2% from yesterday; over all down 7.6%)
- Body fat mass 23.7 kg (down 300g from yesterday; over all down by 9.8kg)
- Visceral fat 12 (1 down from yesterday; overall 4 down)
- Body water percentage 51.5% (0.1% up from yesterday; over all up by 4%)
- Muscle mass 67.8kg (same as yesterday; over all up by 2.2kg)
- Metabolic age 52 (1 down from yesterday; overall down 16 yrs)
Actual results after 60 days:
- Weight 95kg (missed by 10kg, but still lost 7.5kg)
- Body fat percentage 25% (missed by 5%, but still came down by 7.6%)
- Visceral fat 12 (missed by 3, but still came down by 4)
- Metabolic age 52 (missed by 3, but came down by 16 years)
Now that I know these results, I would probably be able to set more “realistic” goals in future, if I should do another 60 day challenge. Part of me just wants to take a break, but my mind is telling me to keep going while I’m at it.
Below, I will share some more analysis.
Tanita Day 1 Results
Tanita Day 60 Results

24 January 2023
- chest (over the nipples) 117 cm
- waist (over the navel) 116 cm
- hips (20cm down from my navel, legs together) 114 cm
- the roll (5cm below my navel) 116 cm
23 March 2023
- chest (over the nipples) 107 cm
- waist (over the navel) 103 cm
- hips (20cm down from my navel, legs together) 108 cm
- the roll (5cm below my navel) 107 cm
So, over the sixty days I’ve lost 10cm around my chest, 13cm around my waist, 6cm around my hips and 9cm around the roll – total of 38cm measured. Obviously there are other places I lost some centimeters as well, like upper arms, thighs etc. I can certainly feel the centimeter loss in my clothes.
Take away thoughts:
- Building muscle and burning fat is more important than total weight loss.
- Working out what your daily protein needs are, and then to adjust your diet so that you meet these daily protein needs and still keep your over all calorie intake low, is a challenge. I’d say it’s near impossible to do unless you supplement. If it wasn’t for my Herbalife nutritional supplements, I would not have been able to do it.
- Reshaping your body requires a combination of good nutrition and exercise. Some say it’s 80% nutrition and 20% exercise. I’d say this is is more or less true, but your 20% exercise must be proper exercise. If you do cardio for example, make sure you get in your fat burning heart rate zone and keep it there. If you focus on muscle training, be sure to build up the small muscles first, before you start focusing on the bigger muscles. I started with a 20min exercise session per day and later on upped it to two 20min sessions.
- Getting rid of visceral fat (the fat around your organs), is hard.
- Hydration is key. Getting your required daily water intake up is a challenge on it’s own.
- Mentally it’s tough. Make sure that you enjoy your food. Celebrate the small victories to keep you motivated. Being publicly accountable will push you to persevere, especially on those days that you would otherwise pack it in.
- Don’t celebrate with junk food!
- It takes time and effort to reshape your body; all that hard work can be undone in a moment of madness (of which I had some and then you have to start over again).
The biggest win is my metabolic age, which is finally lower than my actual age. My body is actually getting younger. How awesome is that?!
Well my friends, thank you so much for supporting me on this journey. I could not have done it without you. I do take consolation in the fact that I at least failed forward and made some good progress on being a healthier version of me. Thank you once again for your support.
Much love,
Will Kilian
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