Monday, 13 March 2023
The Power of a little bit each day
Can you believe it? It’s been 50 days since the start of this “epic” journey. At the time it looked like a downhill trot. Fifty days later I look back and all I can see are hills and valleys. 🙂
Having said that, I realised once again this morning the power of a little bit each day. I think that is how miracles happen. They don’t just happen, they happen just….as a consequence of a little bit each day.
Most people know that is how we get fat, thin, poor, rich, sophisticated, bogan…. it doesn’t just happen over night; it’s a culmination of our daily habits over time.
Here are this morning’s Tanita Body Scanner results as at 8.50am:
- Weight 95.6 kg (down 500g from yesterday; over all down 6.9kg)
- Body fat percentage 26.1% (down 0.1% from yesterday; over all down 7.7%)
- Body fat mass 24.9 kg (down by 200g from yesterday; over all down by 10.4kg)
- Visceral fat 13 (same as yesterday; overall 3 down)
- Body water percentage 50.8% (same as yesterday; over all up by 1.9%)
- Muscle mass 67.2kg (down 200g from yesterday; over all up by 1.7kg)
- Metabolic age 56 (down 1 yrs from yesterday; overall down 12 yrs)
Looking back on the past 50 days, the combined effect of the new daily habits are beginning to show. It’s nice to finally “see” some results. Obviously I over estimated in the beginning as to what I could achieve in 60 days, but at least I am moving in the right direction. It reminds me of a quote about goal setting”
Most people over estimate what they can achieve over the short term, and under estimate what they are capable off over the long term.
One of my favorite goal setting quotes comes from Jim Rohn:
The ultimate reason for setting goals is to entice you to become the person it takes to achieve them.
Ten days left in this challenge and I’m already thinking that I need to do it again. What do you think? Let me know in the comments.
Thanks for stopping by. Have an awesome week.
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