What do you do when the wheels come off?
Friday 10 March 2023
Tanita Body Scanner results this morning at 7.44:
- Weight 96.1 kg (down 600g from yesterday; over all down 6.4kg)
- Body fat percentage 27.7% (down 0.5% from yesterday; over all down 6.1%)
- Body fat mass 26.6 kg (down by 600g from yesterday; over all down by 8.7kg)
- Visceral fat 14 (same as yesterday; overall 2 down)
- Body water percentage 49.8% (up 0.2% from yesterday; over all up by 0.9%)
- Muscle mass 66.1kg (up 100g from yesterday; over all up by 600g)
- Metabolic age 62 (down 2 yrs from yesterday; overall down 6 yrs)
So, you probably noticed that my wheels came off a bit the last few days. Hopefully I’m back on track again. The issues are probably not fixed, but I’m trying to work through them and at the same time limit the damage to my Sixty Day Body Reshaping Challenge.
p.s. Next time remind me not to call it a “challenge”. Got to find another name. 🙂
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