With proper daily nutrition and exercise you can reshape your body at will
Today is Tuesday, 28 February 2023. Measurement day for me.
My hope is that you will get some inspiration from this blog post today. We all need daily inspiration and if I can contribute a little bit to yours today with this blog post, it will justify the time and effort I took writing it, and make it all worth while. So, thanks for being here and being part of my day. Much appreciated.
This morning I took a bit of inspiration from The Treasury of Quotes by the late Jim Rohn on the subject of lifestyle. Here are some you might find interesting:
Lifestyle is the art of discovering ways to live uniquely.
Let others lead small lives, but not you. Let others argue over small things, but not you. Let others cry over small hurts, but not you. Let others leave their future in someone else’s hands, but not you.
Some people have learned to earn well but they haven’t learned to live well.
Lifestyle is not an amount; it’s a practice.
Jim Rohn
We all know that our time here on earth is limited. What we don’t know, is how limited. The beauty of this concept of life is that it should urge us to make the most of the time we have. Most people however, myself included, waste precious time in meaningless tasks and endeavors each and every day.
As you know, the only time we really have, is now. So whatever value we receive for our time, whatever uniqueness we discover in “filling in” our now, must be the best investment in ourselves that we can possibly make.
I’m a novice on the subject, but best I can tell after just over 53 years on this planet, it seems that time spend helping others, contributing to their health and well-being, their personal development and the overall betterment of other people and society at large, and of course on the relationships with the people around us, are some of the best investments of our precious time here on earth. This is arguably also the source of true happiness and fulfillment in life.
In order to do this however, it is imperative that we, simultaneously, invest our time, effort and resources into our own health and well-being; our own personal development and our own relationship with ourselves. For if we are not as healthy, physically, mentally and spiritually as we can possibly be, our effectiveness in trying to help others will be limited severely, and our own time on this planet will be cut shorter than what it was supposed to be. As Jim also said, “some people don’t do well, simply because they don’t feel well.”
The eat, sleep, work society that we live in can be soul crushing at times and I believe we need to take time out for ourselves to assess and reassess how we choose to invest our precious time, to ensure that we cultivate a lifestyle for ourselves that will make our time here on earth unique and worthwhile.
Now, back to my Tanita and measurement results for my body reshaping challenge:
- Weight 97.5 kg (up 200g from yesterday; over all down 5kg)
- Body fat percentage 27% (up 0.5% from yesterday; over all down 6.8%)
- Body fat mass 26.3 kg (up by 500g from yesterday; over all down by 8.9kg)
- Visceral fat 13 (same as yesterday; overall 3 down)
- Body water percentage 50.3% (down 0.3% from yesterday; over all up by 1.9%)
- Muscle mass 67.7kg (down 300g from yesterday; over all up by 2.2kg)
- Metabolic age 59 (up 1 year from yesterday; overall down 10 yrs)
Body Measurements:
- chest 112 cm (overall 5 cm down)
- waist 108 cm (overall 8 cm down)
- hips 111 cm (overall 3 cm down)
- the “roll” (5cm below my navel) 110 cm (overall 6 cm down)
- So overall, I’ve lost 22 cm during this challenge so far.
Be blessed!
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