The skills required to reshaping my body
They say to be successful in any field or endeavor you require three things:
- Knowledge
- Skills
- Attitude
Knowledge is knowing what to do. Skill is knowing how to do it. Attitude is your desire to do it.
First you hit the books, read the articles, attend the seminars and trainings, listen to the audios and watch the videos to gain (and hopefully retain) the necessary information.
Next you take action to try and put into practice what you have just learned, to learn the skills, knowing how to do it. At first you will suck at it, they say. Because you are a noob they say. You need practice they say. You need to keep at it they say. Try to refine your skills they say. You will get better they say. Don’t quit they say. Persevere they say.
Well, I’ve got all the necessary knowledge I require on effective weight management. I used to be very skillful at implementing it when I was a youngster. (I told you of my amazing weight loss results when I was 26 years old, right?) Well, what I’ve discovered so far these last couple of days is that skills that you don’t use, you lose!
Have you ever had one of those dreams where you are trying to run away from someone or a situation, you see the danger, and you are running as hard as you can, but remain stationary? And the danger keeps approaching??? Well, that’s how I feel right now. Somebody wake me up please!
So, as you know from yesterday’s post, Tanita’s warning lights went on, in spite of the fact that I lost another 500grams. I saw those lights, I tried to act accordingly (need more protein; need more hydration!), but alas, it feels like I’m getting sucked in by a sandpit!
Thank goodness for attitude. My desire to lose the unwanted 17.5kg and the fat it represents in my body, and reshaping my body, still remains. I shall not quit. No matter what! I shall stick out the 60 days not matter what. (But I might need you to throw me a rope now and again, will you please?)
Yesterday was brutal! Literally and figuratively. Overall I just felt down. Except for the golf, which I thoroughly enjoyed in spite of the fact that I struggled to find the fairways, greens and the back of the cup, it was one of those days where I struggled mentally. On top of that, I got personally attacked on Facebook for sharing an objective truth about finding answers for the sins of our forefathers. I realised it does not help to try and reason with someone who grew up in a cotton ball and are ruled by emotion instead of reason. Okay, so I’m still a bit cheesed, but out of respect for the person who started the conversation, I decided it’s best to just love them and leave them.
So, we played golf in perfect conditions; accept for the heat. My mate who played with me found himself in this situation. I guess that’s what you get for playing with a lime green ball. Play it as it lies! 🙂

That’s life for you isn’t’ it?
Well, so yesterday I did not manage to increase my hydration; nor the protein. I was so tired and hungry (did not have my extra protein shake – was away for the golf for the whole day) after the golf yesterday, I did not even take the time to take you a nice picture of my very delicious prawn salad I had for dinner. Also, did not even have the will-power to cool down in the pool. Instead I felt sorry for myself. Showered, got on my bed; aircon on, and lost myself in a novel by one of my favorite authors – James Paterson, until I read myself to sleep.
Needless to say, when I had to face Tanita (my body scanner) this morning, I knew she was going to yell at me…and she did!
- Weight 101.3 kg (up 200g; over all down 1.2kg)
- Body fat percentage 32.4% (up by 0.8%; over all down 0.2%)
- Body fat mass 32.8 kg (up by 800g; over all down by 0.6 kg)
- Visceral fat 16
- Body water percentage 47.6% (down 0.3%; over all up by 0.1%)
- Muscle mass 65.0 kg (down 700 g; over all down by 600g)
- Metabolic age 68 (same)
I don’t want to talk about it.
Oh, I installed a new comment app on this blog to make it easier to leave comments and support me during my 60 day journey; which clearly is going to be full of ups and downs. Hopefully the ups win. What do you think? If you were a betting person, will you bet on me? (don’t answer that!!!)
Much (unconditional) love,
Will Kilian
My 60 day body reshaping journey so far….
Reshaping with Herbalife Nutrition Day 1
Reshaping with Herbalife Nutrition Products Day 2
Reshaping with Herbalife Day 3
Reshaping with Herbalife Day 4
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