Reshaping with Herbalife Nutrition for optimum health and wellness
For things to change, you have to change.
~ Jim Rohn
It’s Monday, 23 January 2023, day 1 of my reshaping challenge. I find myself in a bit of a predicament. I somehow happened to end up in bad physical shape. Suits and shirts that used to fit me 3 months ago, do not fit me today. I’m talking buttons popping!
So, one of the first things I did this morning, was to jump on my Tanita Body Scanner to see what the damage was. I almost literally heard the alarm bells sound; more like war sirens to be honest. The only reason I did not faint, was because I sort of expected it. My busting shirts and my busting suit that I tried to wear over the weekend for-warned me. Still, the damage was pretty bad. Here are some of the more critical stats Tanita spat out at me:
- Weight 102.5kg (my ideal weight is 85kg)
- Body fat percentage 32.6% (totally obese)
- Visceral fat 16 (dangerously high, should be low single digits…this is fat around the organs!)
- Body water 47.5% (needs to be like 55% or higher)
- Muscle mass 65.6kg
- Metabolic age 68yrs old (this should be lower than my chronological age, which is 53!)
So, having lost a lot of weight before when I was a young man of 26 years old (I lost 36kg in six months using the Herbalife nutrition products), I know I can do it again. [Disclaimer: My results are not typical. Individual results may vary.] Then again, I am not typical. I am me. Where there is a will, there is a way. And right now, my will is to lose 17.5kg in the shortest possible time, in the healthiest manner possible, whilst not only maintaining muscle mass, but building muscle mass. The long and short of it is, that I need to lose 17.5 kg of fat! And my time frame is 60 days!
By 23 March 2023 I have to be at my goal weight of 85kg. So here are my Tanita goals for the next 60 days:
- Weight 85kg
- Body fat percentage 20%
- Visceral fat 9
- Metabolic age 49
I picked my goal weight because I know I look and feel amazing at that weight. The rest of the goals were thumb suck random numbers that I would be satisfied with. I think when I reach my goal weight, the other numbers might look better than anticipated. But we will have to see.
Broken down, my weight goal is actually very achievable. I only need to lose:
- 292g per day, or
- 2.19kg per week, or
- 8.75kg per month
The key is to focus on the daily goal and to create the daily habits that will get me to my target in time.
My healthy daily habits from today onward:
- Consume my Herbalife nutrition products as recommended
- Exercise for at least 30 – 45 minutes per day (as time goes on, I hope to increase the intensity of my training)
- Drink at least 4 liters of water
- Get a minimum of 8 hours of quality sleep every night
So, one of the first things I needed to do this morning, was to work out my protein needs. Our bodies need a certain amount of proteins daily to build healthy cells and muscles and to sustain our bodies. If we do not consume all these proteins every day that we need, our bodies will steal the amino acids it need from our muscles and we will actually lose muscle mass…this is not good. Matter of fact, it’s very, VERY BAD.
An easy way to calculate you protein requirements if you are just a low to moderately active person, is to use your weight in kilograms. If you weigh 85kg now, your daily protein needs will be about 85 grams of protein. If you are moderate to highly active you multiply your weight in kg by 1.5. If you are an athlete (gym junky), you multiply your weight in kg by 2.
Now, fortunately for me the Herbalife Nutrition shakes have been rated as the best protein shakes in the world, compared to all the other shakes out there. Some of the reasons for this are that the Herbalife protein is complete, meaning it contains ALL the amino acids our bodies need. On top of that, all the Herballife shakes has a protein score of 1. This is the highest it can go, and what it means is this: If there is 20 grams of protein in your Herbalife shake, and you drink it, ALL 20grams will get delivered to the muscle cells. Nothing gets wasted.

(For you comparison nerds out there, yes, you can pick another company’s cheap protein shake, but if it does not have a protein score of 1, it does not matter how much protein it claims it contains, it is not going to reach your muscles. It will get eliminated as body waste long before that time.) Reminds me of an old Afrikaans saying,
Goedkoop koop, is duur koop.
~ my mother
Meaning, buying the cheapest instead of the best, will cost you in the long run.
Long story short, my Herbalife Nutrition program provides my body with all the nutrients it needs on a daily basis, in perfect balance and in perfect combinations. I just need to make sure that I consume it as recommended every single day. Too easy. Yeah right! My mentor used to say:
What is easy to do, is also easy not to do!
~ Jim Rohn
So, this brings me to the reason for this blog post. I need you to please do me a big favor. Please come here and check in on me. I need you to hold me accountable to my goals. I will endeavor to blog regularly, at least once a week to report my progress. Jumping on the scales weekly is much better for us mentally, than it is to jump on the scales every 5 minutes, right?
Oh, and before I forget. I also took photos of how disgusting my body looks today. Hopefully I do not scar you for life by showing these to you, but I will share some of those pics with you below because I need you to help motivate me through this. (Not sure I should share the naked torso pics…looks like I need a double C cup!)

Lastly, can I please ask a favor? At 53 I am not the worlds best social media guru…matter of fact, as you might expect, I’m slightly technologically challenged, to put it politely. My friend said to me this morning, post your progress on Instagram. My response; I don’t have Instagram. No clue how it works. He just laughed at me. So guys please help me out and do whatever needs to be done to this blog post socially to spread the love and provide me with the much needed encouragement.
If you could leave me an uplifting and inspiring comment, that would mean the world to me. I’m going to need all the support I can get. Sixty days! Lets do it! Let’s Go!
Much love,
Will Kilian
Tags: healthy weight loss, herbalife nutrition, losing weight with herbalife, reshaping with herbalife nutrition
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