Reshaping with Herbalife whilst meeting your body’s basic nutritional needs
Wow, 25 January 2023. Day 3 out of 60! Time goes by so slow; it’s like watching paint dry. Well, you know that is not not true right, it is just the impatient nature of us modern day humans. When we want something we want it now. ASAP. Right? You want to lose weight, you want it gone yesterday. The process of life is one day at a time. And when you have to go through the process, it can sometimes feel so slow. Just imagine if we could compress time frames? But wait, then we will lose out on life, won’t we? Be careful what you wish for. Be patient with the daily grind. Find pleasure in the daily grind. If your daily habits are good, it will bring you to your goal.
As you now know, from reading my starting post on day 1, my goal is to lose 17.5kg in 60 days. Sounds a lot, but it isn’t. It is only 292 grams per day. I recorded my results after day 1 in yesterday’s post. I think you will agree that it was a solid start to my program. I’m happy with it. Matter of fact, I’m grateful for it. Check out yesterday’s post for my day one results.
Take good care of your body. It’s the only place you have to live.
Jim Rohn
Well uncle Jim, that’s what this reshaping with Herbalife is all about, isn’t it? So let’s get to the truth. Enough of this wiff waff…at the end of the day, results is the name of the game.
So, what does my day 2 results look like? I have to tell you, I was a bit nervous before I got on the body scanner this morning. The belief level in my new healthy habits are not backed by my own solid sustainable results yet, and I did not know how my body would react after I increased my fluid intake to about 4.5l for the day. That is consuming 4.5kg of water extra. Happy to report the irrigation system still works fine. 🙂
Here are my Day 2 results as per my Tanita Body Scanner this morning:
- Weight 101.6kg (down another 500g; over all down 900g)
- Body fat percentage 31.1% (down another 0.4%; down 1.5% over all)
- Body fat mass 31.6kg (down 500g from yesterday and 1.9kg over all)
- Visceral fat 16 (still the same)
- Body water percentage 48.2% (up by another 0.2%; total up 0.7%)
- Muscle mass 66.5kg (100g up; total muscle mass gain 900g)
- Metabolic age 68 (still the same)
Whew! Most of the numbers (there are a few stubborn ones that refuse to budge at the moment) are still moving in the right direction! What a relief. No surprise though. I know I did not cheat or deviate from my plan at all. My healthy habits are busy forming. I will tell you what I did yesterday in a moment.
Two of these numbers make me so excited! Just look at my over all body fat loss and my over all muscle gain for the last 2 days. I lost 1.9kg of body fat in two days and I gained 900 grams of muscle at the same time! This is the epitome of healthy weight loss.
I am just so thankful and grateful for the Herbalife products that provides my body with its basic nutritional needs every day.
What are the basics that our bodies need to be healthy?
- Protein
- Fiber
- Omega 3’s (essential fats)
- Vitamins and minerals
- Hydration
- Sleep
Yesterday I raved about the difference the added protein makes in my diet and how it helps me to not have cravings, keep me fuller for longer and I listed all those added advantages of protein. Now you also saw the 900 gram muscle gain in spite of losing 900 grams of body weight over all for the two days in today’s results. Thank you for the best protein shake on the market Herbalife!
Did you know that muscles burns fat? So if you can build more lean muscle, your body will burn more fat.
My current diet lacks fiber. I know I have to increase my fiber intake, but I’m ordering my fiber product on the 1st of February. For now, I will have to make do.
So by the way, which basic Herbalife products am I currently using every day? Here’s the list:
- Formula 1 Nutritional Shake Mix
- Formula 2 Multivitamin
- Herbalifeline
- Personalised Protein Powder
- Herbal Aloe Concentrate – Mandarin flavor
- Instant Herbal Beverage (Thermo green tea)
There are quite a few Herbalife nutrition products, apart from the fiber product, that I intend to order in on the 1st of February that seem like they will enhance my reshaping journey tremendously. More about those later. As I said, for now, I’ve got to make the best with what I got.
The modern diet is fiber deficient. We need about 25-30 grams of dietary fiber every day. The average person only gets about 12-14 grams. Unfortunately, fiber is not a very sexy product. It’s like your toilet paper. Critical, but not sexy. It promotes regularity and aids in your digestive functioning. Herbalife’s Active Fiber Complex is a must supplement and is on my shopping list!
By the way, what does your nutrition budget look like? If you don’t have a monthly nutrition budget, you probably don’t have a savings and investment account either, right? I find it so scary to hear that most people do not have a nutrition budget. Their dogs eat more healthy than them.
Omega 3’s are the essential fats and oils our bodies need every day.
Yesterday’s nutrition and exercise regime:
I started the day with an Instant Herbal Beverage tea, mixed with cold water and mandarin Aloe and drank my Herbalife nutrition tablets along with it.
For breakfast I made a Formula 1 Nutritional Shake Mix as recommended on the label with 320ml skim milk and added 4 serves or Personalised Protein Powder. I added a handful of ice cubes and blended it all together. The Personalised Protein Powder reduces the overall sweetness of the shake. There are some amazing other protein products which I’m going to order in which I can add to the shakes for added protein and improved taste.
My workout consisted of a basic 28 minute metabolic training session, following along with Samantha Clayton on the H24 exercise regime. I followed that up with a low intensity 20 minute spin bike ride and I finished off with a cool-off swim in our little 10m pool (50 laps). By the way, I’m not much of a swimmer, but I discovered the submersive swimming technique a few years ago and it makes swimming so easy.
My post workout shake was the same as the breakfast shake, but instead of the skimmed milk, I used water. By the way, for those of you who are lactose intolerant, no problem. You just replace the skimmed milk with water, coconut water, almond milk, rice milk, or whatever diary free substance that you fancy; even juice (just mind the sugar content of the juice if you want to lose weight).
Late afternoon I felt peckish, and knew it was time for another shake, so I made one just like my breakfast shake. I think the mistake I made was to make my post workout shake with water, instead of the skim milk, like I did on day one. I will revert back to that today.
The family dinner consisted of lovely chicken thighs with vegies and salad.
Oh, and yes, I drank about 18 glasses (250ml each) of water during the day.
Right, now it is time for me to go exercise and make sure that today’s healthy habits match with the previous two days. Wish me luck.
p.s. Thank you for all the love and support; especially from the Facebook gang. Much appreciated.
Tags: losing weight with herbalife, reshape with herbalife, Weight Loss, weight loss journey
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