Reshaping with Herbalife – day 12

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I got shocked today!

Jip, I shocked (electrically) in the shower this morning. So did my son 20 minutes earlier in his shower on the other side of the house. Pretty scary. Must say, I was a bit shook after that. Yeah, I know right, I’m still here! 🙂 Actually, very grateful.

It turned out there was a main electrical wire that melted in the power box and caused all of this. Because of the shocking incident, Energex was on the scene very quickly. They discovered the melted wires. Then they promptly proceeded to shut down all electricity and said, not our problem to fix. You need to get an electrician to fix it all and then call us back and we will send someone to make sure the job was done right, and then we will switch the power back on.

In the mean time we were advised to get medically checked out, to make sure we are okay. A quick appointment with the GP and an ECG a few hours later gave us the all clear.

Have I mentioned the sweltering heat here in Brisbane today? Well, long story short, we were without power for the whole day. They literally just put it back on 20 minutes ago. I know I know, be grateful and thankful…it could have been days instead of just one day…and yes, it could have been much worse had they not acted so promptly. (Seriously, not that they will read this, but thank you to everyone involved to get this issue sorted so quickly. Much appreciated.) And yes, the aircon is blasting away right now. 🙂

Okay, so back to my Herbalife reshaping journey. Yesterday was a good day. Followed my Herbalife nutrition plan, exercised for about 30 minutes and finished with a 50 lap (10m) swim in the pool. (The Energex guy just knocked on the door, said he forgot to clear the places we got shocked for their shock investigation, ie the showers!)

Thank goodness we live in Australia mate, if this was back in Africa…I don’t even want to think about it. 🙂

You see how “powerfully” I managed so far to avoid the issue at hand? I.e. my Tanita body scanner results of this morning? Well, truth be told, the Tanita results are not nearly as shocking as my erstwhile experience. Almost to be expected. Here goes:

  • Weight 100.2 kg (down by 800g; over all down 2.3kg)
  • Body fat percentage 32.4% (up by 1.8%; over all down 2.1%)
  • Body fat mass 32.5 kg (up by 1.6kg; over all down by 0.9kg)
  • Visceral fat 16 (1 up)
  • Body water percentage 47.6% (down by 0.8%; over all down by 0.8%)
  • Muscle mass 64.4 kg (down by 2.2 kg; over all down by 1.1kg)
  • Metabolic age 68 (same)

See-saw results, with a two day rhythm!

I have good news though. My Herbalife products were delivered today. So now I am back on Active Fiber Complex to increase my fiber intake and also all the protein shakes and supplements (and snacks) to up my protein intake.

Well, it’s Friday night here in Brisbane. Tomorrow morning I have to rise early again for a round of golf. Lucky me. 🙂

I almost forgot, here was last night’s dinner. What do you think?

Yellow Thai Fish Curry

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2 years ago

Glad you are okay mate. Good luck with the rest of the reshaping challenge. Rooting for ya.


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