Celebrating The Small Victories
Good morning! It’s Sunday 12 February 2023 and I just got good news from Tanita. Finally, after 20 days, my metabolic age started to come down. Can you believe it?
As a reminder to all of you, I started on Monday 23 January 2023 with a 60 day body reshaping challenge. My goal is to lose 17.5 kg, to bring my visceral fat to below 9 and get my metabolic age below 49.
On 23 January 2023 my starting stats were:
- Weight 102.5kg (my ideal weight is 85kg)
- Body fat percentage 32.6% (totally obese)
- Visceral fat 16 (dangerously high, should be low single digits…this is fat around the organs!)
- Body water 47.5% (needs to be like 55% or higher)
- Muscle mass 65.6kg
- Metabolic age 68yrs old (this should be lower than my chronological age, which is 53!)
These are this morning’s stats, i.e. my results after 20 days:
- Weight 98.9 kg (down 500g; over all down 3.6kg)
- Body fat percentage 27.9% (down 2%; over all down 5.9%)
- Body fat mass 27.6 kg (down by 2.1kg; over all down by 6kg)
- Visceral fat 14 (1 down; overall 2 down)
- Body water percentage 49.8% (up 1%; over all up by 1.4%)
- Muscle mass 67.8 kg (up by 1.5kg; over all up by 2.3kg)
- Metabolic age 63 (down by 5yrs!)
Now, it might not sound like much, and compared to my overall goal, this is a small step in the right direction. I know. But small victories like this along the way is a huge motivating factor. It’s confirmation that I’m doing something right and it inspires me to just keep on doing it, day after day.
This morning I’m off to go play my 4th round of golf in the last four days. Yesterday was the first round of our Summer Cup qualifiers and today is the second and last day of the qualifiers. It is stroke play and they add the two rounds together.
Yesterday’s round was tough, but I played okay. My putter still failed to perform. I might switch it out today. I played 88 shots gross, leaving me a 75 net. If I play a decent round today, I might still qualify. If however the match play knockout starts next week, I will miss out as we are going on holidays for a week. I know, you won’t miss me. But that’s okay. The beach is calling…
p.s. Last night’s dinner was stir fry.
Tags: herbalife shake, lose weight, Weight Loss
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