Is the purpose of life eluding you?
Fear not, it is not that complicated at all. Discovering the purpose of life should not be a quest that you spend your whole life on. That would be a waste. 🙂
This morning, standing in my kitchen and looking out to the beautiful clear skies, listening to the happy singing of a multitude of birds, I just felt compelled to shoot a short video and share this amazing truth with you. I don’t want you to waste one more minute in pursuit of the purpose of life.
Here goes…
The purpose of Life is NOT that complicated – Video thoughts
The purpose of life is to live life…
Well my friends, I hope you enjoyed this short little video chat and that you will be inspired to live an abundant life from this moment forward.
Be truly grateful and thankful for your life….every single bit of it. Then start focussing on creating beautiful memories.
Tonight, when you put your head on the pillow, replay the tapes of all the beautiful memories you have created today. If there were some negative memories in between, delete them. Just watch the beautiful memories in your mind and save it in your memory bank.
Now go to sleep and dream about those beautiful memories and all the amazing memories you are about to create tomorrow.
Then, at the end of the week, just share this message with one other person. Or if you cant’ wait that long, go ahead and share it with them now. Share it on Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, with your mouth….however you feel compelled to share it now so that those around you can discover the true purpose of life too.
To your happiness, health and prosperity!
~ Will Kilian
(Do you want to talk?)
p.s Connect with me on facebook at TEAMWIKI or email me at wjkilian@gmail.com
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Tags: abundant life, discovering the purpose of life, finding the purpose of life, great life, joyful life, knowing the purpose of life, living a life of abundance, living a life of purpose, living life, purpose of life, understanding the purpose of life
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