Protein shake diet plans seem to abound nowadays, yet not everyone get the results they desire. This can be for a variety of reasons.
Reasons why some protein shake diets don’t work:
- They might be using an ineffective or sub-par protein supplement.
- They might be using it incorrectly.
- They might not be using it at all.
I am using a protein shake diet since 1996:
- At first I used it to lose weight. I lost 36kg in 6 months.
- Then I started using it to maintain my weight loss.
- Then I used it to ensure that my body keep on getting the nutrients it needs on a daily basis to function at an optimum level.
- Compulsory legal disclaimer: These results are not typical. Individual results will vary.
Today, almost 17 years later, I am still maintaining great health and wellness, just because I used the protein diet correctly, and for the specific needs I have at the time.
There are only 3 simple steps to using a protein shake diet effectively:
Step 1 to use a protein shake diet effectively – Use a High Quality Protein Supplement
Just like anything on the market these days, you get cheap imitations (usually very poor quality) and then you get the real deal. When it comes to something like your health, I do not recommend you take any chances. You only get to live once here on earth, and you want to make sure you don’t use rubbish.
I know PRICE is a big factor for today’s consumer, but with some things you just cannot afford to be skimpy. Your nutrition, what you eat, influence EVERY SPHERE of your life…if your body does not get what it needs, you are going to be:
- tired
- irritated
- frustrated
- lacking in energy and vitality
- lacking in concentration
- suffer a poor quality of life
If therefore you have the foresight to realise that in today’s world we all HAVE to supplement, you might as well do yourself a favour and choose something that really works, and where you have PROOF that it works. Cheap imitations are a dime a dozen. Personally I believe it’s just not worth it.
Your protein supplement must:
- supply your body with everything it needs on a daily basis
- it must be a pleasure to consume (tasty)
- it must be in a highly digestible form (otherwise you will just “poop” it out)
- have the nutrients in the right combinations and quantities to ensure maximum absorption and optimum cellular assimilation.
Don’t be fooled. If you just read the label, you might think the protein shake diet you hold in your hands is great because it complies with the first requirement. What they don’t tell you however, is whether the rest of the requirements are met. Unless you can get your hands on the scientific research of this product, or literally see millions of successful results as proof hereof, you are no better off.
If you want to see what I use, and why, follow this link ===> WHAT I USE AND WHY<===
Step 2 to use a protein shake diet effectively – Correct Daily Use
How to use your protein shake diet depends on WHY you are using it.
If you are using it for weight-loss, this is how you should use it:
Replace two of your daily meals with the protein shake diet. Mix it as recommended on the label. I prefer breakfast and lunch. My reasons: Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and lunch the second most important, as I am most active during the day and my body needs access to optimum performance nutrition at all those active times.
Eat one normal meal…I prefer dinner. Make sure it is a colourful meal. A colourful plate usually ensures that you are eating more healthy foods. Remember, your body already got all the nutrients it needs from your protein shake (if you use a proper one), therefore your third meal is something to enjoy…something to savour…do not punish yourself by trying to eat diet foods that are unappealing…make sure you eat a healthy, but ENJOYABLE meal.
If you are using it for weight gain, this is how you should use it:
Very simple…eat 3 normal meals and drink your protein shake after each meal. Not before. If it is a proper protein shake and you drink it before, you will be full and not able to eat a meal as well. You want to gain weight, remember.
If you are using it to maintain great health and wellness, this is how you should use it:
Simply replace 1 meal with a protein shake, and have two colourful meals. I prefer to replace breakfast as it is the most important meal of the day…it sets you up for the rest of the day, so I want to ensure that my body cells have everything they need to perform as best they could for me during the day.
Step 3 to use a protein shake diet effectively – Be Accountable
This step is often overlooked. It is very easy to let yourself of the hook. Cheating on diets is the “in thing to do”.
The best advice I can offer you is this:
1. Don’t see it as a diet, but a healthy way of life.
2. Be open about your new lifestyle choice. Talk about it to others. Write about it. Make a video about it.
If other people know that you have committed to a new protein shake diet, then you are accountable to them. They will be watching you like a hawk! AND THAT IS A GOOD THING.
You need that social pressure to make sure you keep on using the products every single day as recommended.
TIP: If you messed up today, just get back on that horse and carry on with your program as if nothing happened. So many people cheat, feel guilty and quit on themselves. If you have true friends or a coach to whom you are accountable, example regular weigh in or measuring sessions, or group exercise classes, it helps to keep you motivated to keep on going.
Always keep the end result in mind when you use a protein shake diet. The reason WHY you are using it should be in the forefront of your mind at all times.
If you want me as your coach, or any of the EZHealthBiz team members, just click on a picture to the right, or to come to me personally, just click here: ===> WHAT I USE AND WHY<===
If you want to use what I use (THE BEST) and you act now, I will show you how you can do so and save at least 25%!
Just watch this video now:
(Compulsory legal disclaimer: These results are not typical. Individual results will vary.)
Tags: best protein shake, herbalife shake, protein shake diet
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I found this site very useful and I just wanna say thanks. I hope you keep up the good work!
Thanks Sara.