There is always a price to pay. This is one of the fundamentals of life. Yet, in today’s society of FREE FREE FREE, the intrinsic value of this truth, has been lost. Have you been hooked?
Where does this, “I want something for nothing” attitude come from? As a society we have been conditioned to expect everything to be given to us on a golden platter. We always want to pay way less for the value we receive. Better yet, we want it for free.
Why is there always a price to pay?
The shocking reality is that the marketers of the day have picked up on it. Every second offer on the TV, radio, Internet, mobile device and even the almost forgotten mail order systems, nowadays includes something for FREE. We just love getting something for FREE.
My mother always used to say, “Something for nothing is, is usually worth nothing.” Deep down inside we all know this is true. If it is free, it’s usually worthless. Why else would it be free? Right?
However, in today’s society it is worse. All these “stuff” we get free is actually not free. Unscrupulous marketers know that all customers need to be hooked. Once you are hooked, you will willingly and freely part with your hard earned money and pay any price they ask. Forking out money for over priced items once you are hooked, is at the order of the day. It’s like the bait on a hook. To the fish it looks like free food; an easy feed. The angler knows different. They know the price to pay.
Let me ask you this: Which is your favorite grocery store and why? It’s a known fact that most people have one preferred place where they buy there weekly or monthly groceries. For years and years these shoppers stay loyal to their particular store, no matter what prices they charge. Have you ever wondered why that is?
The answer is simple: We all get hooked. The bait is usually a bargain that is not to be missed. The best of the bargains almost always have a “sweetener” attached to it: buy this now at this special price, and get this absolutely worthless item for free!
Rings a bell?You think you got a bargain. You think you scored. But there is always a price to pay.
The retailers know; first give something of nominal value away for free to hook the customer and build customer loyalty. Then, once hooked, you sell them the kitchen sink and rake in the profits.
You have a choice in the price to pay
The reality is you do have a choice in the price to pay. You do not have to become a creature of habit. You do not owe any loyalty to your regular retail outlet. They have not earned your loyalty. They tricked you into it. You got baited. You got hooked. They actually do not care about you and your family the way they said they do. They only care about one thing: how much you will contribute to their bottom line. To them you are only a number.
This does not only apply to your favorite food store. It applies to your favorite bank. Your favorite butcher. Your favorite CD store.
If there is always a price to pay, who yields the power?
- Is it the producer?
- Is it the first middleman?
- Is it the wholesaler?
- Is it the second middleman?
- Is it the retailer?
- Is it the customer?
The answer is simple: He who carries the cash, possess all the power. Yes, there is always a price to pay. The cash carrier will always be the one paying the price. How much he pays, depends entirely on his savvy. Will he fall for the, “I’ve got something for nothing” deal for you? Or will he be able to spot the bait?
The producer…be it the farmer or the manufacturer has a price to pay to produce. They know, if they buy in bulk, they will be able to negotiate a better price. So that’s what they do.
Unfortunately for them, the middlemen know this too. The middlemen are the ones putting the deals together. They are the vultures of the system. All they do is simply connect buyers and sellers with one another without having to fork out any of their own hard earned cash. They are the connections between producers and wholesalers. Producers want to produce…they don’t want to sell what they produce. Sellers sell, they don’t want to source the best prices all the time. That’s where the vultures, I mean middlemen come in. They deliver that service. A valuable service to the wholesaler and to the retailer. They get paid handsomely for delivering this service, and the wholesaler has no choice but to pass this extra cost on to the retailer who buys from him. The same with the retailer, he has no choice but to pass this further cost of the second middleman on the the customer?
The nett result is a product to the end consumer at 2, 3, 4 times the price the initial manufacturer (the one who created the product) received for it.
This is the traditional distribution system. It is what it is. It is a sick system. As you can imagine, the biggest of the big players in the world economies right now, are all part of this system. There is always a price to pay and the price always goes up and up the further down the distribution chain you go. If you are the end customer or consumer, you pay the ultimate price.
How do they get you to pay the price again? That’s right; they hook you. They offer you something for free. Some even load their price and then offer you a “cash back”. We are so gullible. 🙂 Sometimes I think we love to get caught. The problem however is that these unscrupulous “fishermen” do not tag and release. Their intentions are not that noble. I am afraid their only intention is to suck us dry.
Do not fall for the Christmas lies
Christmas is around the corner. Do not fall for their lies. There is always a price to pay. And if you are the one with the cash, you will be the one paying it. How much you pay, is up to you. You have to bargaining power. They know that, that’s why they want to “blind” you with their “irresistible offers”.
We have to buy from them in most cases, we have no choice. But we do have a choice in what we pay. If we refuse to pay their exorbitant Christmas holiday prices, we will drive the prices down. It’s the only way to do it.
If you are going to pay a price, pay the price of value
Yes my friend, avoid the something for nothing deals. Go for value. Ask for the most expensive item. View it. Review it. Check out the quality. Now negotiate. Remember, you have the cash. Thus, you have the power.
Buy quality at a good price. Do not buy rubbish “for free”. It ain’t free – it’s only the bait that’s free.
The alternative – Buy wholesale – Buy Direct
Their are many direct sales companies out there today who vowed to cut out the middlemen. They deserve our support. Their products are almost always of superior quality at extremely reasonable prices for the quality you get. Their prices are not adjusted for the Christmas period. They are not there to hook you. They simply want to bring you the best quality at the best prices. Yes, now we can buy quality at wholesale.
It’s a good alternative for your Christmas shopping.
Buy Herbalife direct for the minimum price to pay and the best value for money.
For example, are you aware of Herbalife’s full range of products? They do not only sell Herbalife shakes! There is a complete range of health and nutritional supplements, sports nutrition, anti-aging skincare, energy products, protein bars and much much more.
You can buy all of his not only at wholesale directly from Herbalife, but you can do so at a discount of between 25% – 50%!
Simply register as a Herbalife distributor and start buying at wholesale. You can order online from the comfort of your own home and they deliver between 5-7 business days to any address in your country.
Will & Suné Kilian
Global Expansion Team
Herbalife ID: 46-024370
Based in Australia.
How to Join our Herbalife Team now
You can Join Herbalife in a few minutes with 5 easy steps, sign-up using the online application:
- Click on the following link
- For “Sponsor’s Herbalife ID Number” enter “46024370“
- For “First 3 Letters of Sponsor’s Last Name” enter “KIL“
- For “Purchased an International Business Pack (IBP) from your Sponsor?” Select “No”
- Click “Next” and follow the instructions to complete your Herbalife membership application.
You will have access to place your discounted orders directly from Herbalife within minutes and receive the International Business Pack (IBP) which includes detailed instructions on being a distributor along with some samples. Your starting discount is 25%!
If your country is not on the list to join online, just send us an email at either , and we will assist you to register in your country of residence. Provided of course that you do live in one of the 90 countries already open for Herbalife business.
Tags: buy herbalife direct, buy herbalife wholesale, buy quality, cheapest herbalife, herbalife at wholesale, join herbalife, pay the price, price to pay
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Great post. I especially liked the line “he who carries the cash possesses all the power” Best wishes for your herbal life business.