Positioning yourself for success in Herbalife is as important as positioning yourself for success in anything else. Yet very few people consciously position themselves for success, nor do they understand the concept.
Right now you are positioned for a certain level of success in whatever it is you do. The success, or lack thereof, that you are experiencing right now, is a direct result of the way you are positioned.
Think about your current job. What did you have to do to position yourself for success where you are right now?
Positioning yourself for success in your JOB
What courses did you have to take? What training did you have to undergo? All jobs require a certain level of knowledge and skills to equip you for the tasks you have to perform on a day-to-day basis.
Let’s take heart surgeons for example. I think you will agree with me that they are pretty much positioned for success….no kidding, right?!
But think about this: What did that heart surgeon have to go through to position himself to be financially successful as a surgeon? How many years of study and practical training?
I do not want a surgeon to operate on me if he somehow found a short cut to that position…. neither would you.
So here’s the thing: positioning yourself for success takes time, money and effort. And that is just to get in the position to be a success.
Thereafter you still have to apply your knowledge and skills and invest the time and effort, to make it happen every single day.
Positioning yourself for success will therefore always require you to gain the necessary knowledge and skills for the particular position.
Here is the problem though, this process usually takes vast amounts of time, money and effort…especially for the positions that pays well.
Positioning yourself for success in your current job
So how are you positioned for success in your current job? Are you as successful as you thought you would be? Is someone or something holding you back. Is your job dragging you down?
So by the way, sleeping with the boss is not the ideal way of positioning yourself for success. That is usually a recipe for disaster!
Whenever you work for someone else, they will always pay you less than you are worth. That is the only way for them to profit from your labour. That profit is their incentive to hire you in the first place. If you make the company $35,000 a month you are worth $35,000 a month, but that is not what they will be paying you. You will be lucky if you even get a third of that.
What do you do if you want more money…more success in your job? Do you climb the corporate ladder? Do you “sleep with the boss”? Do you step on your colleagues to beat them to the top?
The fact is, if you want to earn more, you have to re-position yourself for the success you really want. The best way to do this is to work on your knowledge and skills base.
If you work for an active income only, positioning yourself for success is tough.
Why? Because if your only source of income is your paycheque for the job you do, your level of success is directly dependant upon where other people think you should be positioned.
Recessions, like the one experienced following the disaster of the GFC, has seen countless individuals who are highly knowledgeable and skilled, lose their jobs.
Positioning yourself for success in a job environment, will always, in spite of your level of knowledge and skills, be influenced by other human factors outside of your control. (You might be competing with someone way prettier than you who is sleeping their way to the top!)
Don’t despair, I’ve got good news.
If you work for YOURSELF, Positioning yourself for Success only depends on YOU.
Positioning yourself for success in Herbalife
Before you read further, remember: It is not where you start that matters. It is where you finish. When you decide where you want to position yourself, go for it. There is no shame in positioning yourself at one of the lower entry levels, just because of the realities you are facing right now. It all depends upon what your goals are with Herbalife.
If your goal is just to use the products, and you don’t care how much it costs, you will probably just want to be a customer. Customers buy the products at full recommended retail.
If your goal is to use the Herbalife products, and you do care how much it costs, you will probably want to become a wholesale customer. (Wholesale customers buy the products at a minimum of 25% discount.)
If your goal is to use the Herbalife products AND the Herbalife business opportunity, you will probably want to be a Supervisor. Supervisors earn 50% profits on sales of retail customers and earn between 8% – 25% in wholesale profits. They also earn 5% Royalty commissions on all their Supervisors 3 levels deep.
Fortunately there are quite a few ways to become a Supervisor.
Therefore, regardless of your circumstances, there will be a plan that you can work that will work for you.
If you are not quite sure whether you want to make use of the Herbalife Opportunity to earn income, but you know that you and your loved ones are going to use the Herbalife products to improve your health and wellbeing, the Senior Consultant position is a great place to start. (Senior Consultants buy the products at a minimum of 35% discount. If they choose too, they can also make 35% retail profit and 10% wholesale profit.)
Senior Consultant is a great place to start if you are a “family customer”. Why pay retail, if you can buy wholesale and save your family a bundle?
Positioning yourself for success in Herbalife is a choice you make. Each level has its own benefits. Let me share some of our results with you.
Compulsory Disclaimer: These results are not typical. Individual results will vary.
Thinking about positioning yourself for success in Herbalife? Think no more. Join us Online Now.
Instructions to Join Herbalife now
You can Join Herbalife in a few minutes with 5 easy steps, sign-up using the online application:
- Click on the following link https://us.onlinecontract.myherbalife.com
- Choose your “Country of Residence”
- For “Sponsor’s Herbalife ID Number” enter “46024370“
- For “First 3 Letters of Sponsor’s Last Name” enter “KIL“
- For “Purchased an International Business Pack (IBP) from your Sponsor?” Select “No”
Click “Next” and follow the instructions to complete your Herbalife membership application.
You will have access to place your discounted orders directly from Herbalife within minutes and receive the International Business Pack (IBP) which includes detailed instructions on being a distributor along with some samples. Your starting discount is 25%!
When you register as a Herbalife distributor you get your own business in a box. The IBP, International Business Pack, contains everything you need to get started right away.
Tags: join herbalife, join herbalife online, positioning yourself for success, positioning yourself for success in herbalife, success with herbalife
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So how are YOU positioned in life?