Proper Performance Nutrition to Keep your family healthy?

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Do you struggle to find food that gives your body proper performance nutrition? Have you noticed how the world has become more and more health conscious and yet, the obesity figures and dietary related diseases are constantly escalating? The world is filled with over-fed and undernourished people.


Why is that? The food supply is not what it used to be 100 years ago – that is why. Dietary practices that worked 50 years ago, have not kept pace with reality.


Here is the dilemma:


The food we eat today is robbed of vital nutrients, vitamins, minerals and trace elements. Our bodies need these to function at optimum level. To be blunt – our food source, including the diet foods recommended by old school dieticians, are contaminated.


Lack of performance nutrition

Here are some reasons why the normal “diet foods” are depleted of the essential nutrients we need: fresh food gets put in cold storage for months and even years before it reaches the retail outlets. It can’t be, you say. It looks and taste fresh. True, it does. However, ask yourself: How do they manage to keep fruit and vegetables fresh for a year before they sell it? Logic says it must be rotten in a week, right? The answer is quite simple – the so-called fresh “normal” diet foods – i.e. fruit and vegetables – get treated chemically to help them keep the “fresh appearance.”

Then we haven’t even discussed all the fertilizers and chemicals that are used in the growing process. Trace elements, an essential our bodies need, is found in the soil the produce is grown in. However, farmers cannot afford, financially, to let “land lie bare” for a year every 3 – 5 years to allow these essential minerals and trace elements to be replenished, as they used to 50 years ago.

Are the meat sources any better? We need the protein right? Please note: Processed = unhealthy. Growth hormones = dangerous! Have you seen the size of some of those chickens? We are literally fed chickens stuffed with steroids! And it’s not just poultry. Growth hormones are fed to cattle, sheep and pretty much all livestock. And we eat that… Some retailers then even take the worst parts of these growth hormone meets, process it, and add all kinds of additives and sell it to us in the form of “ready made patties” and gourmet sausages.


Have you stopped to think about what all this does to your body? These traditional diet foods do not provide the nutrition our bodies need! What our bodies need, is proper performance nutrition.


The amount of empty calories we consume on a daily basis has increased to such an extent that obesity is now the number one “killer” in the world. We are eating more and more and are getting less and less – the only thing we do get, is fat and unhealthy.

  • Our body cells are under constant threat from illness and disease.
  • Lack of proper nutrition weakens our body’s defence mechanisms.
  • The body cells are malnourished and function at a diminished capacity.


The result: constant fatigue, lack of energy, illness and disease, poor quality of life. It is the same all over the world. The answer – the right diet foods, right? You do not need to be a nutritional expert to know that what I am saying is correct – most of it is common sense.


The governments of the world are powerless against the food industry. No food regulation can fix the problem – at best they ensure that we are warned about the dangers, but they leave it up to us to decide what diet foods we include in our daily diet.

Performance Nutrition – The Solution


Take control over your own life. Take personal responsibility for your own diet foods – what you drinkeat and breathe. Here’s a good motto: “if it’s going to be, it’s up to me.”


You are the only one that can do something about it – first for yourself and then for others.


What do you drink?

If your water supply is suspect, invest in some sort of a purifier. These days they are inexpensive and affordable. Water remains your body’s first choice of drink. It hydrates the cells, carries energy around in your body, cleanses the digestive system and “keeps it moving along,” rids the body of toxins, remains the best thirst quencher of all time and best of all, it’s free. And yes, water must be part of your diet foods!


What is your excuse for not drinking at least 8 glasses of water every day?

Eight glasses of water a day, goes a long way to keep the doctor away.

Soft drinks (coke, pepsi etc.), tea, coffee, beer, wine, cordial and milk are not water. Some of these products may contain water, but that is where it ends. (I do not intend to list the harmful ingredients in the food and beverages offered to us in the retail stores – the labeling laws and access to the internet will educate you in this regard. Read the labels and do your own research – you will be shocked.) What you need to know however, is that you need to take responsibility for your own health and that of your children! Make sure these items do not form part of your list of diet foods!


What you drink will affect your health and well-being – make wise choices. Be moderate with all your drinks, except water. You need at least 8 glasses a day.


The next best thing to drink daily is green tea and aloe. The soothing and healing properties of these are by now common knowledge. Replacing some of your other beverages with these is a healthy alternative. Drink well, and you will live well. So go ahead, and put WATER on your list of compulsory diet foods.


Diet Foods – How you eat?

What, how and when you eat is something that only you can control. You might have noticed, but your body needs regular feeding, lest it dies. It is very much like a fire. It is constantly burning calories in search of the nutrients it needs.


High quality nutrients, which are in perfect balance to be digested, absorbed into the bloodstream and assimilated at a cellular level, leads to a healthy, energetic body.


Junk food and nutrient deficient foods lead to fatigue, illness and disease. They should be eliminated from  your list of daily diet foods. Feeding your body the nutrients that it needs on a daily basis, has become an impossible task with only regular or traditional diet foods. Even if you were a nutritional expert and had access to the best quality produce, it would still be a near impossible task. So what are we to do?

The Performance Nutrition solution ~ cellular nutrition


We need to supplement our daily diets with cellular nutrition. This is the only proper performance nutrition method.


Nutrition that contains everything our body cells need to be healthy and function at an optimum level on a daily basis.


Finding a proper supplement can in itself be a mission. With so many products on the market, how do you know which ones are the best? Unless you are a nutritional expert, you do not even know what nutrients your body needs on a daily basis, or in what quantities. Sourcing all the nutrients in supplement form is a science on its own. One supplement might affect the effectiveness of another, or completely neutralizes its effect. In truth, we simply do not know. One thing is for sure, though: our diet foods must include a proper supplement.


What we need is a “one-stop shop”. There are a few nutritional companies out there providing a complete package of the daily nutrients that you need. Which is the best? You decide. Investigate for yourself. Remember, “if it is going to be, it is up to me.”


My performance nutrition results

I have found such a one stop shop, giving my body all the performance nutrition it needs. Within 6 months I lost 36kg, regained my energy and health back and looked 10 years younger! If you feed your body what it needs, it will take care of the rest.


Compulsory legal disclaimer: These results are not typical. Individual results will vary.

To see how I did it, just click here. You can do it too! <—-Click Here



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Love this…

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I love reading the posts here on What a refreshing blog. Keep it up.


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