7 Nutrition trends for 2018
Related article: Eating Healthy with Herbalife
The top nutrition trends for 2018 can already be predicted by nutrition experts with a reasonable amount of certainty.
They say that if you want to predict the future, all you have to do, is look at the past. If you look back on 2017 and 2016, you will notice that the nutrition trends around the world are slowly but surely moving into a definite direction.
Consumers worldwide realise the importance of personal nutrition for themselves and their families. Everyone knows that you are what you eat. Just as you can eat yourself sick, you can eat yourself healthy, and more and more people are choosing the latter option.
Eating healthy every day, combined with regular exercise, makes you FEEL better.
So, with that in mind, here are the top 7 nutrition trends for 2018:
#1 Plant-based diets
Plant based proteins like quinoa, pea, rice, and hemp will become even more popular than it already is. The nutrition trend is for people to move away from animal-derived products, to plant based ingredients. The major reason is health, followed by personal choice and sustainability.
In 2018 you will see even more plant based milks than before. Look out for cashew milk, macadamia nut milk, and pea protein products.
#2 Probiotics
Probiotics are already big in yogurt and kombucha, but in 2018 it will be extended to more beverages like tonics and teas, energy bars, chips and snack foods, cottage cheese, muffin mixes, chocolate and margarine-like spreads.
#3 Personal data-driven Decisions
People will incorporate more information about their genetic predispositions, metabolism, physical activity levels and dietary habits into their nutrition decisions.
#4 Fighting inflammation with food
People will incorporate more and more anti-inflammatory foods like turmeric, ginger and za’atar, into their diets.
#5 Oils from nuts and avocados
We all know that avocados have been riding the nutrition trends of the last few years, and with good reason. At the moment coconut oil is good, but because of it’s saturated fat content, people will be moving more towards oils from nuts and avocados. One of the main reasons for this is that more and more people prefer the unsaturated fats from avocados, olives and nuts.
#6 Clean labeling
Clean labeling is a growing trend world wide. Consumers want to know what ingredients are in the products they buy. They also know what to avoid and what to look for. Moms do not want hormones and antibiotics in the foods they buy. They are looking for organic, free range, and natural products. They avoid artificial ingredients.
#7 Healthy aging and the brain
One of the major health trends for the last decade, is that people tend to live longer and longer. Now they want to improve the quality of that extended life span. Healthy aging of the body, but especially of the mind will get special attention from 2018 onwards. Healthy lifestyle choices will be more prevalent. More and more people will not only think about a healthy lifestyle, but they will actively pursue it. Diet and exercise are the two foundational building blocks of a healthy lifestyle. The role of a healthy lifestyle in disease prevention and cognitive function is now well established and people will simply make better choices for themselves. They will choose to supplement more and exercise regularly. Healthy body + healthy mind = more enjoyable life!
These trends indicate that the already enormous health and wellness industry, will get even bigger in 2018. Nutritional supplement companies, fitness trainers and gyms, can expect to be even busier and attract more customers than it did in 2017.
These nutrition trends are obviously driven by people like you and me. You and I just want to be as happy, healthy and prosperous as we can possibly be in 2018. Whatever your goals and aspirations for 2018 are, I am sure that in there somewhere there will be something to help you cultivate better nutritional and healthy habits. Eat better, live better. Eat healthier, live healthier.
Related article: Eating Healthy with Herbalife
Tags: health trends, herbalife nutrition, nutrition, nutrition trends, nutrition trends for 2018
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