Can I lose 17.5kg in 8 weeks with Herbalife?
This is the question on everyone’s lips. Can he do it? He missed his first week’s target by by 590 grams. Will it be possible for him to get his body reshaping results back on track in this next week?
The process of life is one day at a time.
Well guys, as you know, I’m using the Herbalife nutritional supplements for my 8 week body reshaping challenge. The basic Herbalife products provide my body with all the nutrients it needs to function at an optimum level every single day, ensuring that my body reshaping is done in a completely safe and effective way. Every body cell gets fed daily with the optimum nutrition. No starving of body cells. No cutting out of necessary nutrients. The Herbalife diet is super high in nutrition, and low in calories. All I need to do is take it as recommended. Drink enough water. Exercise and Sleep.
For those of you who followed my blog posts thus far, will know that I record the previous day’s results on the following morning. Today, being day 9, I will post this morning’s results, which are the results from yesterday’s actions I took.
So here’s what I did yesterday, day 8:
After I woke up, I drank a Herbalife Instant Beverage (the Herbalife tea) mixed with cold water and mandarin Aloe. I drank my Herbalife tablets (Multivitamins, Herbalifeline, NRG, ExtraCal and Joint Support) with it. I followed that up a little later with my Herbalife breakfast shake.
I did a 30min beginner level small muscle pelvic training session in the morning.
For lunch, I had another Herbalife protein shake (I forgot to drink my tablets). This was it:

In the afternoon I did a 30m spin bike session followed by a 25 lap (10m laps) cool down swim in the pool.
For dinner I had barbecued chicken and salad (forgot my tablets again). How does it look?

About an hour before bedtime I felt a bit peckish so I made myself a half Herbalife shake – Chocolate Mint Flavour with skimmed milk. Very satisfying. (Better to have half a Herbalife shake as a snack than to eat something super high in calories and sugar, and virtually no nutrient value, right?)
During the day I just kept hydrating as much as I possibly could without drowning myself. 🙂
Here are this morning’s Tanita Body Scanner results:
- Weight 100.6 kg (down 300g; over all down 1.9kg)
- Body fat percentage 30.5% (down by 1.9%; over all down 2.1%)
- Body fat mass 30.6 kg (down by 2.1kg; over all down by 2.8 kg)
- Visceral fat 15 (down 1)
- Body water percentage 48.5% (up by 0.9%; over all up by 0.1%)
- Muscle mass 66.5 kg (up by 1.7 kg; over all up by 900g)
- Metabolic age 68 (same)
Obviously what I did yesterday worked! I just need to repeat it today and every day forward. I can’t wait to break 100kg’s!
As you know, I recorded my body measurements on day 2 of my challenge. This morning is therefore my first week measurement results. Here they are as at 31 January 2023:
- chest (over the nipples) 115cm (down 2cm)
- waist (over the navel) 114 cm (down 2cm)
- hips (20cm down from my navel, legs together) 114cm (same)
- the “roll” (5cm below my navel) 113 cm (down 3cm)
These measurements show the body fat that is melting away. Fair results. Lots more work to be done!
My goal is to see if I can get positive results like these every day this week, instead of the roller coaster results of the first week.
Wish me luck!
Will Kilian
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