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Not sure what Herbalife is all about?
Whatch this short video. It will give you an excellent overview of the Herbalife worldwide vision and how you can make a difference in the lives of those around you if you choose to share this vision.
Willem & Suné Kilian
Global Expansion Team
Herbalife ID: 46-024370
Email: wjkilian@gmail.com
Based in Australia.
p.s. My wife and I are independent Herbalife distributors since March 1996. We both got great results on the products. She lost 10kg within the first few months and I lost 36kg in 6 months. We both maintain our new healthy weight ever since. (Compulsory legal disclaimer: These results are not typical. Individual results will vary.) Although we are both professionals – she being a medical doctor and me being a lawyer, we recommend the Herbalife products to everyone who wants to improve their health and well-being. We are a typical Herbalife family. Our kids love the products as much as we do. The Herbalife business opportunity is arguably one of the best in the network marketing industry, paying back 73% of the gross turnover to its distributors via retail profits, wholesale profits, royalties and bonuses. The combination of these amazing products with this solid compensation plan, makes Herbalife in our eyes the best network marketing opportunity out there.
Tags: herbalife people, i love herbalife, love herbalife, who love herbalife
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