Join Herbalife online now and help us fight off the greedy Mr. Bill Ackman. Bill Ackman is a stock trader. At the end of last year, he placed a $20,000,000 bet that the Herbalife stock price will go down. Thereafter he held a media conference and openly started to attack Herbalife in the hope and belief that the media will latch onto it. Some of them did. Bill Ackman is now sitting back, fueling the media as much as he can, in anticipation of one of his greatest paydays ever!
Why join Herbalife now to fight off Mr Bill Ackman?
If Herbalife stock, which is traded on the NASDAQ stock exchange, moves down $1, Bill Ackman will make $20,000,000 profit. If the stock price goes down with $10, Bill Ackman will profit to the tune of $200,000,000. How does that make you feel? Do you think it is fair? Do you think it is right? Neither does Tim Sales.
How can it help to join Herbalife now to stop Bill Ackman?
Tim Sales is a network marketing expert. He is not, and has never been involved in Herbalife. In the video below, Tim Sales explains in simple terms what Mr Ackman did, and why it is ethically, morally and socially wrong to do what Bill Ackman is trying to do to Herbalife.
He also gives advice on how we can fight back. Watch this:
How we can hurt Bill Ackman where it matters most. His wallet. That is why I urge you to join Herbalife online now. If you have already joined, work with us to recruit more distributors and customers than ever before. Let’s use more Herbalife products than ever before. Let’s get others to join Herbalife online and help us fight this bully. By doing so, Herbalife sales will go up and Herbalife can have one of its best quarters ever.
Here’s what will happen to Bill Ackman:
If the Herbalife stock price goes up with $1, Bill Ackman will lose his $20,000,000…and so he should!
If the stock price goes up with $10, he will lose $200,000,000. If that happens, who is to blame?
They say revenge is sweet. I don’t know about that. I do care about Herbalife. The products changed my life. I lost 36kg in 6 months and keep it off for over 16 years now. This company truly change people’s lives. I for one will fight to protect it. Join forces with me. Let’s fight of this bully and send a message to all the other “Bill Ackman wannabees” out there.
As you can see from this picture, the Herbalife stock price took a huge dip in December 2012 when Bill Ackman pulled this stunt. The market soon realised what Bill Ackman was trying to do, and market confidence was restored in the Herbalife stock. Nevertheless, Bill Ackman is not letting up. He needs to be taught a lesson. Now is a great time to join Herbalife online or offline and kick Bill Ackman’s but some more!
Join Herbalife online now.
Let’s teach Bill Ackman a lesson he will never forget.
Here is my Herbalife Sponsor detial. Just Hit the “Join Online Now” button, or the “online contract” link. It will take you to a secure server on the Herbalife website. My sponsor Herbalife ID is 46-024370. The first 3 letters of my surname is: KIL. p.s. Using the Herbalife products at wholesale and buying directly from Herbalife will save you a truckload of money. Let’s kick Ackman’s butt.
- Click on the following link https://us.onlinecontract.myherbalife.com
- For “Sponsor’s Herbalife ID Number” enter “46024370“
- For “First 3 Letters of Sponsor’s Last Name” enter “KIL“
- For “Purchased an International Business Pack (IBP) from your Sponsor?” Select “No”
- Click “Next” and follow the instructions to complete your Herbalife membership application.
You will have access to place your discounted orders directly from Herbalife within minutes and receive the International Business Pack (IBP) which includes detailed instructions on being a distributor along with some samples. Your starting discount is 25%!
Tags: Bill Ackman, herbalife fight Bill Ackman, join herbalife, join herbalife online, Tim Sales defends Herbalife
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Please share this message with everybody. People like Bill Ackman must be fought tooth and nail…where it will hurt him most…his pocket!