How to take Action and Create Success in Herbalife for you. The crux: You just need to talk to people.
Understanding the process of creating results is critical.
When you start a new venture, your belief level in yourself and your ability to be successful in the new venture, is usually not very high.
The reason is simple. You have no results of your own, no proof, that it works. Results come when you take action. You need to first establish how to take action to produce the results you want.
Then muster all the belief you can to take that action. Your level of belief, let’s say it’s at 20%, will allow you to tap into 20% of your potential and taking 20% of the required action, producing about 20% of the desired results.
This is not a failure. It is 100% success on the limited action you took.
The 20% personal result will increase your belief level, to let’s say 40%, which will now enable you to tap into 40% of your potential, taking 40% of the required action, producing 40% of the results.
Again, it’s 20% up! It’s success. It boosts your belief level yet again…this time to 60%….and on it goes, until you tap into 100% of your potential.
The reason most people do not get to 100% potential, is because they quit before the required belief level is reached. Never quit. Understand the process in stead. Learn how to take action again and again and again and again and again….and again..
How to take Action in Herbalife
In order for you to get going in Herbalife you have to focus on RESULS.
First, look at other people’s results. That will motivate you and increase your own belief level to a starting belief. Some people start with really high belief levels, especially when the results that inspire them are from people they know. Do not talk to people about Herbalife until you have your own personal results from using the herbalife products. It need not be your final result. Just a result to boost your personal belief.
You first level of belief, if it’s at 25%, will get you to tap into 25% of your potential to lose weight, take 25% of the required action and produce 25% of the results. That’s good. It’s a start. It’s a personal result that will begin to boost your own belief system so that you can tap into more of your potential, take more action and get better results…until you reach your goal.
How to talk to people in Herbalife?
How to make money in Herbalife? Just tell stories. Share results with people. Your results and other people’s results. Who can do that? Anybody!
Keep it simple. People don’t care about the ingredients and all the technical mumbo jumbo…they care about results! They want to know that they can do it; that they can get the results they want. The best and fastest way to communicate that to them, is to share results with them. Why? Because they will identify with one or more of the results. Everybody is not going to identify with your results. That is why we need everybody’s story to share.
How to take action and talk to people over the Internet
The GREAT thing about the Internet is that it’s on 24/7. At any given moment there are about 3 billion people online. Lot’s and lot’s of people to talk to.
However, not everyone is interested in healthy living or passive income opportunities. You have to therefore find a way to target your talking to people who are interested in what you have to say. In Internet Marketing terms, that is called: targeted leads.
If you have a marketing system which captures your interested person’s email address, and then start communicating to them in byte sizes and start building a relationship with them, you can take action by “talking to people all day long”.
Please comment below, like and share this post on How to Take Action and Talk to People. Love you all.
To your happiness, health and prosperity.
~ Will Kilian
p.s Connect with me on facebook at TEAMWIKI or email me at wjkilian@gmail.com
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Tags: how to get results, how to start your herbalife business, how to take action, share results, talk about results, talk to people, understanding the process to get results, your herbalife business
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Now THIS video is what we’re talking about! Will
Gr8! post!
90 days flew by but its not done yet . . . I am already looking forward to the next series? wink-wink
Thank you Francois; much appreciated mate. 🙂