Dear Fellow Network Marketing Team Mate
Have you ever been frustrated in your endeavours to grow your Network Marketing business?
Have you ever wondered if a thing like “network growth” is even possible, let alone the idea of progressive duplication?
Well, if not, you probably have not considered the thought of growing your Network Marketing business or dreamt of becoming the best you can become in your company.
If however you have pondered these mysteries of network marketing, you probably faced the situation that with new people coming in and old ones falling out, it could feel like a never ending struggle to get this aeroplane in the sky….and the question beckons: HOW DO I MAKE THIS TREE GROW???
This morning in the shower (please, don’t picture this scene, but just focus on my words), it hit me. YOU DON’T!!! It suddenly dawned on me that no matter how hard I try, I will never be able to make the tree grow.
You see, my shower time is also some intimate time that I spend with God and by declaring my affirmations. I was reminded of the parable of the sower. You know the story right, the guy who went out to sow some seeds…some fell on the road and birds ate them….some fell on rocky ground with shallow soil, and although they started to grow, they were soon withered by the sun. Yet others fell among thorns, and although they struggled to grow and break free, the thorns (negative relatives and caring “friends” and life’s “realities”) ultimately strangled them to death. But then, other seeds fell on good ground. And they yielded a harvest: some 100 times more, some 60 times more and some 30 times more.
The promise to us is this: If you keep on sowing some seed will always fall on the good ground!!!!
I think what put me back onto this story this morning in the shower, is a personal development book I’m re-reading at the moment. It is called, “Follow your heart” by Andrew Matthews. (This book was gifted to me by my upline about 20 years ago!!! Thank you Elsa!!!) In there, the author inter alia says this:
“You reap your harvest after you do the work. You dig the soil, plant and water the seeds (work), wait a while (patience) and then you harvest.”
Effort + Patience = Results
It reminded me of the late Jim Rohn’s teaching on this subject, where he said, God gave us the easy part of the deal. All we have to do is work the soil, plant and water the seeds, and then wait while God does the hard part, the miracle part, the making the tree grow part. What if it was the other way around? God planting and us having to figure out how to make this little seed grow??? We’d go crazy trying to figure it out….like we are going crazy to try figuring out how to create an exponential growing Network Marketing business!
That’s when it hit me. It is not our job to make the tree grow! That is God’s job. The laws of the universe, stuff you and I know very little about, will take care of the miracles.
My personal problem is the waiting part. I had very little patience (still working on it). You see, I work the soil, plant the seed and water it, and the next day I want to see that baby grow! If in a weeks time I see nothing, I dig the seed up to look what’s going on…sure enough, nothing! I try to meddle with the growing process…with the miracle stuff, which by the way is not my job, nor do I have the knowledge and skill to make the tree grow….what was I thinking!
If you are one of the seeds I dug up in my impatience, I’m sorry.
Our job is to passionately love our company’s products and use them every day, and to share this love with those around us.
Our job is to passionately fall in love with network marketing, with the miracle process of duplication, to teach it and explain it, and to always keep in mind that the only job we have is to work the soil, plant the seed, water it and then to be patient!
We can do some weeding if needs be, but that’s it. Let the miracle process takes it course.
And if some seeds get eaten by the birds, burnt by the sun or strangled by the thorns; well, that stuff are outside of our control….let it be and let it go….don’t go chasing birds and building shelters over the shallow ground, or fighting thorns and thistles….just keep on sowing….knowing that eventually, after God has done his part, harvest time will come. Just keep sowing and be patient.
My prayer for you is that you and your family will be blessed with radiant happiness, health and prosperity every day of your lives.
God bless.
Will Kilian
Tags: how to grow your herbalife network, how to grow your mlm, how to grow your network marketing business, how to make the tree grow, network marketing
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