What is nutrient density?
It’s the amount of nutrients in a particular food.
For example, the vitamin C nutrient density of on orange compared to that of potatoes. The vitamin C nutrients in an orange is equal to 2 large orders of french fries. The orange will cost you about 70 calories. The french fries will cost you 800 calories!
Another example is your daily vitamin A intake. Carrots are a good source of vitamin A. Dairy products also contain vitamin A. You could therefore eat one carrot, which will cost you about 25 calories to get your daily requirements of vitamin A, or you could get your vitamin A by eating ice cream. However, the required vitamin A intake through ice cream is going to cost you about 1500 calories! There goes your whole day’s calorie requirements. Everything over and above that and you gain weight like crazy!
Let’s talk about protein. Lean protein is a very important part of a healthy diet. We all need to build lean body muscle by eating good quality proteins coupled with resistance training to build that lean muscle mass.
Why do we need lean muscle mass?
The lean muscle mass that you have, or the lack thereof, is your body’s ability to burn body fat! The more lean muscle mass you have, the more effectively your body will burn body fat.
So, to get about 25gram of lean protein you could eat a piece of grilled fish that will cost you about 120 calories, or you could eat ground beef that will cost you about 520 calories for 25 grams of lean protein.
Making wise choices in our diets is very important. Choose nutrient dense foods over other foods that are less nutrient dense.
What is the difference between a nutrient dense and not so nutrient dense food source?
The nutrient dense foods have all nutrients too but with less fat and sugar and more water and fibre; giving you more bang for your (calorie) buck!
What is the best nutrient dense food?
The most nutrient dense meal that you can eat, is a Herbalife formula 1 protein shake. Two such shakes per day provides your body with ALL the nutrients it needs on a daily basis. Not only that, but those nutrients are in perfect balance to ensure maximum absorption and cellular assimilation. It literally feeds your body cells what they need to be as healthy as they can be 24/7!
Have you had your Herbalife shake today?
Where do you get Herbalife shakes?
You can either buy it directly from a Herbalife member at full retail price (which is awesome value for money), plus it carries a full 30-day satisfaction guarantee!
You can become a Herbalife member yourself by being sponsored by a current Herbalife member. This entitles you to order your Herbalife products directly from Herbalife at a minimum discount of 25% and enjoying the Herbalife Gold Standard Guarantees. You can order online or offline and Herbalife will deliver the products to you. Herbalife is currently available in 90 countries around the world.
Your Herbalife sponsor need not be local to you; he/she could be anywhere in the Herbalife world. As long as he/she is accessible to you and are willing to train and assist you, you will be in good hands.
At EZHealthBiz.com we have a 24/7 Training Program that you can access from the comfort of your own home once you have become an EZHealthBiz Member. Membership is free for those who are sponsored directly by Willem Kilian or anyone of his team members around the world (“TeamWiki”).
If you are not a Herbalife member yet, you can join Will Kilian’s Herbalife team by learning more and following the instructions on this page:
Other Herbalife Members can get access to this training facility for a once off $100 set-up fee.
To learn more about becoming a member of EZHealthBiz, click here:
EZHealthBiz Membership
Everybody wants to be as healthy as they can be. Eating nutrient rich and nutrient dense foods is the answer your body is looking for. Make it easy with Herbalife and live the healthy life that you and your family deserve to live.
Tags: best nutrition, herbalife, herbalife protein shake, herbalife shake, nutrient rich food, nutrition dense food, nutrition density
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