How to gain healthy weight? If you are under weight and need to gain weight, you will know that it is not that easy. People who are overweight usually cannot understand why underweight people struggle to gain weight.
If you are underweight it is no good to just want to gain weight at all cost. You will want to know how to gain healthy weight.
Usually people who struggle to gain weight, have very fast metabolisms. They are literally burning the calories they eat much faster than other people. Having a fast metabolism is actually a good thing. However, if you need to gain weight, there is only one solution.
It is that simple, but it is not that easy. First of all, you need to eat healthy calories…substance so to speak, otherwise your body will burn it in no time, and you will get very little in return.
To know how to gain healthy weight you must know how your body works
Your body works like a fire. If you eat empty calorie foods, it is like throwing straw on an open fire. Yes it burns, but only for a little while, scarcely leaving any ashes. However, if you put some solid hard wood on the fire, it will also burn, but it will take much longer to burn all of it, and it will give you nice hot coals. This represents healthy, good calorie foods.
On average, an adult male burns about 2,500 calories a day with normal activities. The average female burns about 1,800 calories a day. In order to gain weight, you must therefore eat more calories than that. If you have a slightly faster metabolism, you will have to increase your calorie intake even more to gain healthy weight.
To gain healthy weight, you want to focus on gaining muscle weight.
Protein shakes as a supplement is highly recommended if you struggle to gain weight. These protein shakes should be loaded with good calories, but should also provide your body cells with optimum nutrition.
To gain healthy weight you should consume at least one protein shake after every meal. Furthermore, to gain healthy weight you should try to eat at least 5 healthy meals per day, followed by a proper protein shake.
Gaining weight, just like losing weight, takes time. Your goal should be to gain at least 1kg per week with your healthy weight gain program.
(Compulsory Legal disclaimer: These results are not typical. Individual results will vary.)
If you want to know how to gain healthy weight without worrying about counting calories, the Herbalife weight gaining program is ideal.
The Herbalife protein shakes provides your body cells with all the nutrition it needs on a daily basis in perfect balance. By adding the Herbalife shakes to your weight gain program, you will ensure that your body stays healthy and that any unhealthy calories are still burned as usual, whilst adding muscle weight.
Weight training is also recommended if you want to gain healthy weight and muscles. Just know that the more gym/weight training you do, the more calories your body will burn and the more good calorie foods you will have to eat.
If you want to learn more about the Herbalife program, why not access our online automated system in your own time and in the comfort of your own home…it explains it all and will provide you with the details of a sponsor who you can contact for more information or to get started.
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Will & Sune Kilian
Skype: willkilian
Work with us Personally at www.ezhealthbiz.com
Tags: gaining healthy weight, how to gain healthy weight, how to gain weight
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