In this articel we have a quick look how you can make money as a Herbalife Senior Consultant.
In the previous article we looked at the best way to start in Herbalife for most people and we settled on the Senior Consultant Herbalife member position. The reason is simple. You want to get your products at a discount, but you don’t want so many products as to overwhelm you. Unless you already have a market for the products, i.e. customers lined up to buy from you, there is no need to invest more money into your product inventory than necessary.
At the Senior Consultant level you start out by purchasing 500vp of Herbalife products from Herbalife at a 35% discount. Once you achieved this (500 volume points in one calendar month), you will remain on the senior consultant level for as long as you pay your nominal yearly admin fee. This is awesome. It means that you can buy as little product as you want thereafter, your discount will never drop below 35%.
So, how do you make money as a Herbalife Senior Consultant?
Two ways:
- You sell the products you bought at 35% discount at retail to retail customers and make yourself a nice little retail profit. (I always offer the Herbalife membership to all my customers from the word go, but some of them do not mind paying full retail as they first wan to “test the waters”.) I don’t mind either, because I know that if they are going to use the products as recommended, they will become a Herbalife member eventually. (E.g. A product that retail for $100 you would have bought for $65. The difference of $35 is your retail profit.)
- You sponsor new Herbalife members who join Herbalife. Their starting discount is 25%. All products they buy, whether from Herbalife directly or from you, will earn you a 10% wholesale profit. (The difference between your discount and theirs.)And, if they, like you, decide to rather become a Senior Consultant then it’s no problem! As a matter of fact, it’s awesome.Yes, you won’t earn any retail or wholesale products, but their product volume will also count as your personal product volume. If you therefore have 8 such people in one month purchasing 500vp of Herbalife to become a senior consultant, your total personal volume, without even adding your own personally purchased volume, will be 4000 volume.If you looked at how to qualify to the Supervisor level (permanent 50% discount) you will know that you need 4000 vp in one month. Hence, your 8 senior consultants add up to 4,000vp and you will, as from the 1st of the next month be a fully qualified supervisor at the 50% level. This of course increases your retail and wholesale profit margins and qualifies you to the Herbalife distributor levels.
Getting started in Herbalife is so super easy. Just enrol online and get going!
Your happiness, health and prosperity is within your grasp. Take it!
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