Herbalife24 Fit DVD
We said we would be back tomorrow and we have arrived two days later. So please accept our apologies. If you have decided or want to join us with this Herbalife24 fit DVD
challenge, then it might be worthwhile knowing a few things, if you have not purchased the DVD set yet.
If you have a look at this picture below, you will get some idea of what you will need. You will only find this out when you have opened your DVD set.
You will need water, a towel, resistance bands, ankle weights and dumb bells. It’s suggested that the dumb bells should not be heavier than 10pounds (4,5kg). What is not mentioned, is an exercise mat. If you have a rock hard body and sleep on a bed of nails, then yes absolutely leave the exercise mat. But if you are a normal flesh and blood human being, then we would suggest an exercise mat.
We read the ‘instructions’……we watched the introductory DVD and all the documentation associated with the DVD set and thought …..we are above the phase one of the exercises!!!! Don’t do that!
The Herbalife24 fit DVD set has been put together with a lot of thought. Just like you read, A,B,C and sing do, ray, me….. So the DVD set is put together to start with 1,2 and 3. The nice thing about the DVD set, is that it sets out the exercises for different levels of fitness. So whether you are at level 1 and only starting out with the first work out of your life or whether you are already lean and mean, there’s a level for you as well.
Safety is a factor that is taken into consideration and during the exercises you have a guide to help you.
For those of you who would like to have a healthier lifestyle or would like to join us,
Just follow these 5 simple steps to get connected via Herbalife.
- Click on the following link https://uk.onlinecontract.myherbalife.com/ (Change the country of residence if necessary)
- For “Sponsor’s Herbalife ID Number” enter “46114499“
- For “First 3 Letters of Sponsor’s Last Name” enter “JUL“
- For “Purchased an International Business Pack (IBP) from your Sponsor?” Select “No”
- Click “Next” and follow the instructions to complete your Herbalife membership application.
Watch this space over the next few weeks on more general information about the Herbalife24 fit DVD set and as mentioned before, some helpful hints and tips and links.
To a better, healthier you!
Tags: herbalife24, herbalife24 fit, join herbalife24, use herbalife24
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