Herbalife24 Fit Challenge – Day 2
So, when do you get going in the morning? Before the sun comes up or when the sun is shining high in the sky? Do you see yourself as a morning person or an evening person? This is an interesting article about what successful people do before 8 o’clock in the morning.
So, honestly now, how many of those 5 things do you do, before you get to work in the morning?
Now our Herbalife24 Fit Challenge – Day 2
We are human. We have found out that our brains have the ability to keep even the keenest person and the strongest body in bed. If your body is not accustomed to regular exercise, then the brain seems to stay in its ‘default mode’ – not now, later, it’s too cold to get up (it’s 6 degrees celcius outside, thats 42,8 degrees Fahrenheit). This means you have to dig a little deeper than the brain to get up and go!! That’s where your exercise partner or buddy comes in. Chances are that at least one of you will be ready to go and start the day.
Our exercises today were definitely of a higher impact than yesterday. No sweating yesterday, sweating today. It’s just so important to have water at hand during the workout, as you do get very thirsty after every session. The whole session was approximately 15-20 minutes long. 20 minutes is not a long time out of our 24 hour day, which means this workout session can be fitted into most of our normal days.
Product feature today is Herbalife24 hydrate:
Hydrate provides a low-calorie source of bioavailable electrolytes designed for advanced hydration. Hydrate includes only 1 g of sugar, plus B vitamins to support carbohydrate metabolism, and antioxidant support from Vitamin C to enhance fluid absorption and ensure you are hydrated. Whatever your activity level, you can use Hydrate at any time during the day – morning, during workouts or even at night.
Tags: Herbalife sports nutrition, herbalife24 DVD Series, herbalife24 fit, lose weight
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