Herbalife24 Fit – 8 Week Results
We’ve been following the Herbalife24 Fit DVD series for roughly 8 weeks now. I say ‘roughly’ since we started we had a few challenges with motivation and life throwing us some curve balls. I had a bug, did not eat for two days and did not exercise for a week and a bit. This unfortunatly also affected Michelle my lovely wife and exercise partner. The cold dark mornings and the kids waking in the middle of the night did not help with motivation either. But hey! Thats life, the kids are healthy and we have so many blessings to be thankful for.
Herbalife24 Fit – 80% Nutrition , 20% Exercise
Here and there we only exercised once a week. The one thing we kept going was our diet. Remember achieving an awesome body is 80% diet and only 20% exercise. We stuck to a good diet, most of the time. The odd biscuit and dessert here and there was enjoyable. However, there is no guilt. Had an interesting conversation with someone who is with Weight Watchers. She is invited to her work’s Xmas party but she does not feel like going. She said that there would not be anything for her to eat. Interesting???? The nice thing about following the Herbalife life style is that when we go to parties and special occasions, people look at us funny because we still enjoy our cake. They cannot understand how we can be on a DIET and eat what we eat. They fail to understand that Herbalife is FOOD!! Great Nutrition!! We tick every box of our recommended daily allowance with ease. And we keep a balance 90% great nutrition 10% snacks.
Herbalife24 Fit 8week – Results
We both fell into the ‘normal’ category when we started, so here are our Herbalife24 Fit results after 8 weeks of following the Herbalife24 fit DVD series and using the Herbalife products.
Element Eldred Before Eldred after Change
Weight 69,1kg 67,4kg Down
Body fat 18,9% 15,6% Down
Water 54,6% 57,3% Up
Lean Muscle 53,2kg 54,1kg Up
Biological age 33 24 Down (chronological age 39)
(Compulsory legal disclaimer: These results are not typical. Individual results will vary.)
Have a look at this video from Samantha Clayton – get yourself an exercise buddy for your Herbalife24 Fit program and start your own challenge.
We hope we can motivate you to either get started on your Herbalife24 Fit program or to stay the course, whether you are starting a new nutritional plan, a new job, trying a new hobby – it doesn’t matter what your journey is.
Make your decision on what you want to do
Get your buddy for your project
Know you can do it
Start! Just make a start!!!
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