Herbalife24 Challenge – our starting point
Right – tomorrow is ‘D-day’. We are embarking on our Herbalife24 challenge. Whats different this time around compared to other times? Previously we started a program, stuck to it for 5 or 6 whole days and had a 3 month break or even better an extended break of 6 months or more…. Sound familiar? Well, its a bit late to back track now. We have told all of you what we were going to do and stopping after 5 days now…. IS NOT AN OPTION.
Ok, for us to be going somewhere, we need to know where we are – This is our Herbalife24 Challenge starting point. In a previous blog, we mentioned different statistics and measurements that could be taken into consideration when you start a new health or fitness programme. Let’s have a look at our statistics and what the normal range is and what it means. Discuss your analysis and your program with your health care professional as everyone is unique. We are going to give you the nuts and bolts and a good dollop of honesty ……about ourselves obviously.
Measurements Eldred Michelle
Age 39 40
Height 178cm 167cm
Weight 69,1kg 62,6kg
Chest 102cm 88,5cm
Waist 84cm 76cm
Hips 96cm 99.5cm
Thigh 51.5cm 57 cm
BMI 22 22
Protein factor 118 85
Resting metabolic rate 1624 1295
% Body fat 18,9% 31,8%
% Body water 54.6% 47.7%
Visceral fat 6 4
Lean Muscle 53,2kg 40,6%
Physique rating 4 5
Bone mass 2,8kg 2,2kg
Physiological age 33 38
Great ‘before’ pics, aren’t they? Parts of our heads are cut off and maybe the Herbalife24 challenge fit DVD’s will cut a bit off those muffins……;-) We know, muffins are great in a coffee shop, but clearly here we are NOT talking about the freshly baked ones….
OK, back to the more serious stuff – What Does This Mumbo Jumbo mean?
Check this link out http://i.b5z.net/i/u/6149777/f/hl_eng_nc_wp_02_body_analysis_def_v203.pdf
BMI – body mass index is a measure of your body fat based on your height and weight
Protein factor – its an estimate of the optimum amount of protein that the diet should provide, based on the amount of lean body mass you have
Resting metabolic rate – its an estimate of the amount of calories that you require to keep your body functioning while at complete rest
% Body fat – men age 18-39 (8-20%) / Women age 40-59 (23-34%)
% Body water – men 50-65% / Women 45-60%
Visceral fat rate – this is the fat around your organs – a healthy amount of visceral fat has a rating from 1-12
Physique rating – its a category you are place in according to your body analysis – Eldred:under exercised / Michelle normal
Bone mass – Average of Estimated bone mass
And we keep the best for last – Biological age – we are both younger than our chronological age! Whoooooweee!! Let’s see if we can get even younger when we get to the end of this program
We know, its a lot to take in. As we continue with the blogs, we could have further discussions about the information that is analysed. We find it almost amazing that only 2-3kg of bone is carrying our entire body structure. That’s truly something we never knew.
So if you would like to join us on the Herbalife24 Challenge, then happily follow these steps below and we will meet you on the other side:-)
Just follow these 5 simple steps to get connected via Herbalife.
- Click on the following link https://uk.onlinecontract.myherbalife.com/ (Change the country of residence if necessary)
- For “Sponsor’s Herbalife ID Number” enter “46114499“
- For “First 3 Letters of Sponsor’s Last Name” enter “JUL“
- For “Purchased an International Business Pack (IBP) from your Sponsor?” Select “No”
- Click “Next” and follow the instructions to complete your Herbalife membership application
Tags: Herbalife sports nutrition, Herbalife24 Challenge, herbalife24 DVD Series, use herbalife24
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Wow! It looks like an in depth analysis! Impressive.